Dec. 45
Reichsbahn (the railroads) must provide
trains of empty trucks in great numbers
by September 28 for the carrying out of
mobilization exercises. This task now
takes precedence over all others.
the trainloads for the limes job"
I understand the 'limes job" to
have reference to defense fortification
in the West "will have to be
cut down after September 17 and those
goods loaded previous to this date
unloaded by September 20.
Supreme Command of the Army (Fifth
Division of the Army General Staff) must
issue further orders after consultation
with the authorities concerned.
in accordance with the Führer's
directive, every effort should be made
to continue to supply the materials in
as large quantities as feasible, even
after 20 September 1938, and this for
reasons of camouflage as well as in
order to continue the important work on
the limes."
The penultimate stage of the aggression begins
on 18 September. From that date until the 28th a
series of orders was issued advancing
preparations for the attack. These orders are
included in the Schmundt file and I shall not
take the time of the Tribunal by attempting to
read all of it.
On the 18th the
commitment scheduled for the five participating
Armies, the 2d, 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th, was
set forth. That is Item 26 in the Schmundt file
at Page 50 of the English translation. Hitler
approved the secret mobilization of five
divisions in the West to protect the German rear
during Case Green, and I refer to Item 31 in
the Schmundt file at Page 13 I beg your
pardon, it is Page 55, I had a misprint. I might
refer to that. It is a "most-secret"
order, Berlin, 27 September 1938, 1920 hours, 45
copies of which this is the 16th:
Führer has approved the
mobilization, without warning, of the
five regular West divisions (26th, 34th,
36th, 33d, and 35th). The Führer
and Supreme Commander of the Armed
Forces has expressly reserved the right
to issue the order for employment in the
fortification zone and the evacuation of
this zone by the workers of the Todt
"It is left
to the OKH to assemble as far as
possible, first of all the sections
ready to march and, subsequently, the
remaining sections of the divisions in
marshalling areas behind the Western
fortifications. " Signed
THE PRESIDENT: I think this would be a good time
to adjourn. We will meet again at 2 o'clock.
recess was taken until 1400 hours.]