Dec. 45
document. The Tribunal will be well aware of its
contents where both Governments undertake to
give assistance to the other in the event of
aggression against either by any third power. I
point to Document TC-73; it is Number 91 and it
becomes GB-57. I shall refer to the fact of its
signing again in a moment but perhaps it is
convenient while we are dealing with a letter
between the British Prime Minister and Hitler to
refer also to a similar correspondence which
took place a few days later between the French
Prime Minister M. Daladier and Hitler. I
emphasize these because it is desired to show
how deliberately the German Government was set
about their pattern of aggression. "The
French Ambassador in Berlin has informed me of
your personal communication," written on
the 26th of August:
the hours in which you speak of the
greatest responsibility which two heads
of the Governments can possibly take
upon themselves, namely, that of
shedding the blood of two great nations
who long only for peace and work, I feel
I owe it to you, personally, and to
both our peoples to say that the fate of
peace still rests in your hands alone.
"You cannot doubt but
what are my own feelings towards
Germany, nor France's peaceful feelings
towards your nation. No Frenchman has
done more than myself to strengthen
between our two nations not only peace
but also sincere co-operation in their
own interests as well as in those of
Europe and of the whole world. Unless
you credit the French people with a
lower sense of honor than I credit to
the German nation, you cannot doubt that
France loyally fulfills her obligations
toward other powers, such as Poland,
which, as I am fully convinced, wants to
live in peace with Germany. These two
convictions are fully compatible.
now there has been nothing to prevent a
peaceful solution of the international
crisis with all honor and dignity for
all nations, if the same will for peace
exists on all sides.
with the good will of France I proclaim
that of all her allies. I take it upon
myself to guarantee Poland's readiness,
which she has always shown, to submit to
the mutual application of a method of
open settlement as it can be imagined
between the governments of two sovereign
nations. With the clearest conscience I
can assure you that, among the
differences which have arisen between
Germany and Poland over the question of
Danzig, there is not one which could not
be submitted to such a method with a
purpose of reaching a peaceful and just
"Moreover, I
can declare on my honor that there is
nothing in France's clear and loyal
solidarity with Poland and her