12 Dec.
children. Proper medical treatment or care
for the sick is not available in the mass camps."
We now refer to Page 3 of this same document and particularly to the
first paragraph. In the German text it appears at Page 5, Paragraph 1:
"In addition to these bad conditions,
there is lack of systematic occupation for and supervision of these
hosts of children which affects the life of prolific families in the
camps. The children, left to themselves without schooling or religious
care, must run wild and grow up illiterate. Idleness in rough
surroundings may and will create undesirable results in these children
. . . . An indication of what these awful conditions may lead to is
given by the fact that in the camps for Eastern Workers ('Waldlust,'
Lauf, post office, Pegnitz) there are cases of 8-year-old, delicate,
and undernourished children put to forced labor and perishing from
such treatment . . . .
"The fact that these bad conditions dangerously affect the state
of health and the vitality of the workers is proved by the many cases
of tuberculosis found in very young people returning from the Reich to
the General Government as unfit for work. Their state of health is
usually so bad that recovery is out of the question. The reason is
that a state of exhaustion resulting from overwork and a starvation
diet is not recognized as an ailment until the illness betrays itself
by high fever and fainting spells.
"Although some hostels for unfit workers have been provided as a
precautionary measure, one can only go there when recovery may no
longer be expected (Neumarkt in Bavaria). Even there the incurables
waste away slowly, and nothing is done even to alleviate the state of
the sick by suitable food and medicines. There are children there with
tuberculosis whose cure would not be hopeless and men in their prime
who, if sent home in time to their families in rural districts, might
still be able to recover . . . . No less suffering is caused by the
separation of families when wives and mothers of small children are
away from their families and sent to the Reich for forced labor."
And finally, from Page 4 of the same document, starting with the first
paragraph-in the German text it appears at Page 7, Paragraph 4:
"If, under these conditions, there is
no moral support such as is normally based on regular family life,
then at least such moral support which the religious feelings of the
Polish population require should be maintained and increased. The
elimination of religious services, religious practices, and religious