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are to be sought out from the prisoners of war. Rail is the most important means of transportation in the East.

"(c) Armament industries. Preferably factories of armor and guns. Possibly also construction of parts for aircraft engines. Suitable complete sections of factories to be manned exclusively by Russians if possible. For the remainder, employment in groups. Use in factories of tool machinery, production of farm tractors, generators, et cetera. In emergency, erect in some places barracks for casual workers who are used in unloading units and for similar purposes. (Reich Minister of the Interior through communal authorities.)

"OKW/AWA is competent for procuring Russian prisoners of war. Employment through Planning Board for employment of all prisoners of war. If necessary, offices of Reich commissariats.

"No employment where danger to men or supply exists, that is, factories exposed to explosives, waterworks, powerworks, et cetera. No contact with German population, especially no 'solidarity.' German worker as a rule is foreman of Russians. "Food is a matter of the Four Year Plan. Procurement of special food (cats, horses, et cetera).

"Clothes, billeting, messing somewhat better than at home where part of the people live in caves.

"Supply of shoes for Russians; as a rule wooden shoes, if necessary install Russian shoe repair shops.

"Examination of physical fitness in order to avoid importation of diseases.

"Clearing of mines as a rule by Russians; if possible by selected Russian engineer troops."
The Defendant Göring was not the only one of these defendants who sponsored and applied the policy of using prisoners of war ill the armament industry. The Defendant Speer also sponsored and applied this same policy of using prisoners of war in the armament industry. And we refer to the document bearing our Number 1435-PS, which also carries Exhibit Number USA-216. This document is a speech to the Nazi Gauleiter delivered by the Defendant Speer on the 24th day of February of 1942, and I wish to read from Paragraph 2 of that document, and I quote as follows:

"I therefore proposed to the Führer at the end of December that all my labor force, including specialists, be released for mass employment in the East. Subsequently the remaining prisoners of war, about 10,000, were put at the disposal of the armament industry by me."
He also reported at the 36th meeting of the Central Planning Board, held on the 22d day of April 1943, that only 30 percent of