12 Dec.
recruitments, and thus I submitted to the
necessity of forced impressment.' "
Then, passing a little further down on that page:
"Q: 'The letters that we have already
seen between you and Sauckel, do not indicate, do they, any
disagreement on your part with the principle of recruiting workers
against their will? They indicate, as I remember, that you were
opposed to the treatment that was later accorded these workers, but
you did not oppose their initial impressment. '"
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Dodd, I think you ought to read the next two answers
in fairness to the Defendant Rosenberg, after the one where he said he
submitted to the necessity of forced impressment.
MR. DODD: Very well, I shall read those, Your Honor.
THE PRESIDENT: "'Did you ever argue with Sauckel . . .'"
MR. DODD: Yes,
"Q: 'Did you ever argue with Sauckel
that perhaps in view of the fact that the quotas could not be met by
voluntary labor, the labor recruiting program be abandoned, except for
what recruits could be voluntarily enrolled?'
"A: 'I could not do that because the numbers or allotments that
Sauckel had received from the Führer to meet were absolutely
binding for him, and I couldn't do anything about that.'"
And then, referring again to the question which I had just read, the
answer is as follows:
" 'That is right. In those matters I
mostly discussed the possibility of finding the least harsh methods of
handling the matter, whereas in no way did I place myself in
opposition to the orders that he was carrying out for the Führer.'
THE PRESIDENT: I think the
Tribunal might adjourn now.
MR. DODD: Very well, Your Honor.
[The Tribunal adjourned until 13 December
1945 at 1000 hours.]