13 Dec.
the only means whereby his demands could be met.
Turning to Document 1292-PS again, and quoting from Page 1:
"1. A conference took place with the
Führer today which was attended by:
"The Plenipotentiary General for the Allocation of Labor,
Gauleiter Sauckel; the Secretary for Armament and War Production,
Speer; the Chief of the Supreme Command of the Army, General Field
Marshal Keitel; General Field Marshal Milch; the acting Reich Minister
for Food and Agriculture, State Secretary Backe; the Minister of the
Interior, Reichsführer of the SS, Himmler; and myself. (The
Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister of National Economy had
repeatedly asked to be permitted to participate prior to the
conference, but the Führer did not wish their attendance.)"
Continuing the quotation:
"The Führer declared in his introductory remarks:
" 'I want a clear picture:
" '(1) How many workers are required for the maintenance of
German war economy?
" '(a) For the maintenance of present output?
" '(b) To increase its output?
" '(2) How many workers can be obtained from occupied countries,
or how many can still be gained in the Reich by suitable means
(increased output)? For one thing, it is a matter of making up for
losses of labor by death, infirmity, the constant fluctuation of
workers, and so forth; and further it is a matter of procuring
additional workers.'
"The Plenipotentiary General for the Allocation of Labor,
Sauckel, declared that, in order to maintain the present amount of
workers he would have to add at least 21/2 but probably 3 million new
workers in 1944. Otherwise production would fall off.
"Reich Minister Speer declared that he needed an additional
1,300,000 laborers. However, this would depend on whether it will be
possible to increase production of iron ore. Should this not be
possible, he would need no additional workers. Procurement of
additional workers from occupied territory would, however, be subject
to the condition that these workers will not be withdrawn from
armament and auxiliary industries already working there. For this
would mean a decrease of production of these industries which he could
not tolerate. Those, for instance, who are already working in France
in industries mentioned above must be protected