14 Dec.
CAPTAIN SAMUEL HARRIS (Assistant Trial Counsel for the
United States): May the Tribunal please, documents relating to the Nazi
program of Germanization and spoliation have been assembled in a
document book bearing the letter "U." These document books are
now being distributed for the use of the members of the Tribunal. I ask
Your Honors to note that the tabs on the side of the document book are
numbered 1 to 30. The index sheet at the front of the book keys these
numbers to the EC, PS, and R numbers of our exhibits.
For Your Honors' convenience we have also numbered the pages of each
exhibit in pencil at the upper right-hand corner of each exhibit.
The documents which we shall introduce were collected by Lieutenant
Kenyon, who sits at my right, and by Doctors Derenberg and Jacoby.
Without their untiring efforts, this presentation would not have been
Evidence has already been introduced by Mr. Alderman to prove that the
defendants conspired to wage aggressive war. It has also been proved
that the desire for Lebensraum. was one of the chief forces motivating
the conspirators to plan, launch, and wage their wars of aggression. We
propose at this time to present evidence disclosing what the
conspirators intended to do with conquered territories, called by them
Lebensraum, after they had succeeded in overpowering the victims of
their aggressions.
We have broadly divided this subject into two categories: Germanization
and spoliation. When we speak of plans to germanize, we mean plans to
assimilate conquered territories politically, culturally, socially, and
economically into the German Reich. Germanization, we shall demonstrate,
meant the obliteration of the former national character of the conquered
territories and the extermination of all elements which could not be
reconciled with the Nazi ideology. By spoliation, we mean the plunder of
public and private property and, in general, the exploitation of the
people and the natural resources of occupied countries.
We propose, with the permission of Your Honors, to introduce at this
time .30 documents in all. These documents lay bare some of the secret
plans of the conspirators to germanize, to plunder, to despoil, and to
destroy. They do not, of course, tell the whole story of all the
conspirators' plans in this field. In some instances proof of the plan
is derived from the acts committed by the conspirators. But these few
documents are particularly illuminating with respect to the
conspirators' plans for Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Russia; and they
indicate the outlines of carefully conceived plans for the rest of
Europe. Others who follow will fill in this outline by showing a series
of outrages committed on so vast a scale that no doubts will exist that
they were committed according to plan.