18 Dec. 45
people toward the external foe, receive
still sharper restrictions in favor of literature politically and
ideologically more valuable."
I next offer in evidence Document 101-PS, Exhibit Number USA-361, which
is a letter from the Defendant Bormann, again to Reichsleiter Rosenberg,
dated the 17th January 1940, expressing the Party's opposition to the
circulation of religious literature to the members of the German Armed
Forces. Among the soldiers of the United Nations the proposition that
there are no atheists in the foxholes received a wide and reverent
acceptation. However, in this document there is a contrary meaning, and
I quote from Page 1 of the English translation, which reads:
"Nearly all the districts"
that is Gaue "report to me regularly that the churches of
both confessions are as active as ever in ministering spiritually to
members of the Armed Forces. This finds expression especially in the
fact that soldiers are being sent religious publications by the
pastors of their home parishes. These publications are, in part, very
well written. I have repeated reports that these publications are
being read by the troops and thereby exercise a certain influence on
their morale.
"I have at that time sought, by contacting at once the General
Field Marshal, the High Command of the Armed Forces, and Party Member
Reichsleiter Amann, to restrict considerably the production and
shipment of publications of this type. The result of these efforts
remained unsatisfactory. As Reichsleiter Amann has repeatedly informed
me, the restriction of these pamphlets by means of the paper rationing
cannot be achieved because the paper used for the pamphlets is being
purchased on the open market ...
"If the influencing of the soldiers by the Church is to be
effectively combatted, this will be accomplished only by producing
many good publications in the shortest possible time under the
supervision of the Party ...
"Also, at the last meeting of the Deputy Gauleiter comments were
made on this matter to the effect that such publications are not
available in sufficient quantities ...
"I maintain that it is necessary that in the very near future we
transmit to the Party Service Offices, down to the Ortsgruppenleiter,
a list of additional publications of this sort which should be sent to
our soldiers by the Ortsgruppen ... "
The Leadership Corps also participated in measures leading to the
closing and dissolution of theological schools and other religious
institutions. I now offer in evidence Document Number 122-PS, Exhibit
Number USA-362, which, again, is a letter from the Defendant