13 Dec. 45
and I would like to quote a brief portion of that
decree. It begins at the bottom of the second paragraph:
"He" referring to the
Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces "is an
equal in rank to a Reich Minister.
"At the same time, the Supreme Command takes the responsibility
for the affairs of the Reich Ministry of War; and by my order, the
Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces exercises the
authority formerly belonging to the Reich Minister."
change in the composition of the Cabinet during the years in question
should be noted. The post of Vice-Chancellor was never refilled after
the Defendant Von Papen left on 30 July 1934.
In addition to the heads of departments that I have outlined, the
ordinary Cabinet also contained Reich Ministers without portfolio. Among
these were the Defendants Hans Frank; Seyss-Inquart; Schacht, after he
left the Economics Ministry; and Von Neurath, after he was replaced as
Minister for Foreign Affairs. There were other positions that were also
an integral part of the Cabinet. These were: the Deputy of the Führer
the Defendant Hess, and later his successor; the Leader of the Party
Chancellery, the Defendant Bormann; the Chief of Staff of the SA, Ernst
Röhm for 7 months prior to his assassination; the Chief of the
Reich Chancellery, Lammers; and, as we have already mentioned, the Chief
of the OKW, the Defendant Keitel. These men had either the title of, or
the rank of, Reich Minister. I have already read portions of the law
creating the Chief of the OKW where his importance in Cabinet affairs is
delineated. The importance of the Defendants Hess and Bormann will soon
be expounded, while that of the Chief of the Reich Chancellery, Lammers,
will also soon become self-evident.
But there were others, such as State Ministers acting as Reich
Ministers. Only two persons fell within this category: the Chief of the
Presidential Chancellery, Otto Meissner; and the State Minister of the
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Karl Hermann Frank. In addition,
the Indictment names as belonging to the ordinary Cabinet "others
entitled to take part in Cabinet meetings." Many governmental
agencies were created by the Nazis between the years 1933 and 1945, but
the peculiarity of such creations was that in most instances such new
posts were given the right to participate in Cabinet meetings. Here the
list is long but significant. Thus those entitled to take part in
Cabinet meetings were: the Commanders-in-Chief of the Army and the Navy,
the Reich Forest -Master, the Inspector General for Water and Power, the
Inspector General of German Roads, the Reich Labor Leader, the Reich
Youth Leader. the Chief of the Foreign Organization in the Foreign
Office, the Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police in the