18 Dec. 45
COL. STOREY: If Your Honor pleases, again it was
included for the purpose of connecting one of the defendants here ...
THE PRESIDENT: What I was pointing out was that it was merely
COL. STOREY: Yes, all right, Sir. It may be strictly cumulative. I will
omit the next reference, which will probably also be cumulative and turn
over to ...
THE PRESIDENT: The same document, you mean?
COL. STOREY: No, Sir. There is another document that I was going to
offer, Number 2849-PS. There is a quotation from another book; it
probably bears on the same point. I will omit it also. The next is a
reference to the Ministerial Council's being given legislative power. I
don't believe that that has been introduced before that the
Council itself was given legislative powers. That is in Article 2 of the
decree of 30 August 1939, Document 2018-PS. The ordinary Cabinet
continued to legislate throughout the war.
Obviously, because of the fusion of personnel between the Ministerial
Council and the ordinary Cabinet, questions were bound 'to arise as to
what form should lend its name to a particular law. Thus Dr. Lammers,
the Chief of the Reich Chancellery and a member of both agencies, wrote
a letter on 14 June 1942 to the Plenipotentiary for Reich Administration
about this question.
This next document, if the Court please, it may not be necessary to
read. It just shows that both agencies continued to legislate side by
side, and it would really be cumulative evidence. There were others that
possessed legislative powers, besides the ones I have mentioned. Hitler,
of course, had legislative power. Göring as Deputy of the Four Year
Plan, could and did issue decrees that had the effect of law. And the
Cabinet delegated power to issue laws which could deviate from the
existing law to the Plenipotentiaries of Economy and Administration and
the Chief of the OKW, the so-called "Three-Man College"
the Three-Man College having authority to legislate. This was done in
the war-planning law, the Secret Defense Law of 1938, Document 2194-PS,
Exhibit Number USA-36. These three officials, Frick, Funk, and Keitel,
however, were, as we have proved, also members of the Council of
Ministers, as well as being part of the ordinary Cabinet. It can
therefore be readily said, in the language of the Indictment, that the
Reichsregierung possessed legislative powers of a very high order in the
system of German government and that they exercised such powers has in
part already been demonstrated. I simply refer to that to show that it
was a secret Cabinet law-without quoting-that the executive and
administrative powers of the Reich were concentrated in the central
Government primarily as the result of two basic Nazi laws that reduced
the separate states called Länder to mere