19 Dec. 45
I now skip to the SA participation in the Jewish pogrom
of 10-11 November 1938 shown by Document 1721-PS, Exhibit Number
USA-425. This is a confidential report of the SA-Brigadeführer to
his group commander, dated. 29 November 1938. In the English
translation, starting at the beginning without reading the addresses, it
is to SA Group Electoral Palatinate (Kurpfalz) Mannheim:
"The following order reached me at 3
o'clock on 10 November 1938.
"On the order of the Gruppenführer all Jewish synagogues
within the 50th Brigade are to be blown up or set on fire immediately.
"Neighboring houses occupied by Aryans are not to be damaged.
The action is to be carried out in civilian clothes. Rioting and
plundering are to be prevented. Report of execution of orders to reach
the brigade Führer or office by 8:30.
"I immediately alerted the Standartenführer and gave them
the most exact instructions; the execution of the order began at once.
I hereby report that the following were destroyed in the area of ... "
Then there follows a list of 35 synagogues that were destroyed. I just
refer to a few of them:
"1) The synagogue at Darmstadt,
Bleichstrasse, destroyed by fire.... 4) The synagogue at Gräfenhausen,
interior and furnishings wrecked." And then under "Standarte
145" "The synagogue at Bensheim, destroyed by fire."
And then the next four items are synagogues destroyed by fire. In
Standarte 168 eight synagogues are shown to have been destroyed by fire.
In Standarte 86 the synagogue in Beerfelden was blown up; and then
follow several others where the furnishings were wrecked. In Standarte
221 the synagogue and chapel in Gross-Gerau was destroyed by fire, and
the next one torn down and the furnishings destroyed. And then it is
signed by the Führer of Brigade 50, by the signature which is
illegible, "Brigadeführer."
In connection with the persecution of the Jews, we again find the SA
performing its function of propaganda agency for the Nazis. In this
connection it was the function of the SA to create and foster among the
people an anti-Jewish spirit and sentiment without which the terrifying
Crimes against Humanity perpetrated against the Jewish race certainly
would not have been tolerated by any civilized Peoples. Substantial and
convincing evidence of this function is to be found in these bound
volumes of Der SA-Mann. Throughout the period covered by these
volumes, there appeared in this publication article after article
consisting of the most cruel and vicious sort of anti-religious
propaganda designed to engender and foster hatred and hostility toward
the Jewish race.