19 Dec. 45
those aims which I submit as criminal was a plan to
dominate Europe, and that the SS was one of the means by which that was
to be done.
Now, this is just one aspect of the SS criminality. I am quite ready
not to proceed any further with the point if the Court already has the
point, and thinks that the evidence of that aspect of its criminality is
sufficient. I certainly do not want to labor the point too hard.
I now proceed further with the point as to the building up of the SS as
a racial elite to take over; but I do think one other thing is
important, and that is the negative side of that racism: the hatred for
other races. And Himmler made some very striking points along that line
as to what the SS was to be taught. I quote from his Posen speech, that
is, our Document 1919-PS. The passage in question appears on Page 23 of
the original speech, middle of the page, and will be found on Page 1 of
the English translation, third paragraph. I quote:
"One basic principle must be the
absolute rule for the SS man. We must be honest, decent, loyal, and
comradely to members of our own blood and to nobody else. What happens
to a Russian, to a Czech, does not interest me in the slightest."
The next few sentences from that same paragraph have already been read
into evidence, and I shall not repeat them. But I do want to quote, in
the same paragraph, the conclusion that Himmler draws from what he just
said. This sentence is about seven lines from the bottom of the
paragraph, beginning:
"That is what I want to instill into
this SS and what I believe I have instilled in them as one of the most
sacred laws of the future."
Now these principles that is, the conception of being an elite
which was to take over Europe and the conception of hatred towards
inferior races, which was instilled in the SS these were
principles which were publicly reiterated over and over again so that
the newest recruit was thoroughly steeped in them.
I quote from Himmler's Kharkov speech, which appears in the same
Document 1919-PS.
THE TRIBUNAL (Mr. Biddle): Can't you just give us the meaning Of the
speech without quoting from it; can you just refer to it?
MAJOR FARR: I will be very glad to do that, if the Court will take
judicial notice of it. I will refer you to the passage I have in mind.
The passage in question appears on Page 14 of the translation, about 15
lines from the bottom of the page; it appears on Page 17 of the
original, at about the middle of the page.