3 Jan. 46
COL. AMEN: Will you look at the letter before you and
tell us whether you can identify it in any way?
OHLENDORF: The external appearance of the letter as well as the initial
"R" (Rauff) on it, and the reference to Zwabel or Fabel who
took care of transportation under Rauff, seems to testify to the
letter's authenticity. The contents roughly correspond to the
experiences which I had at that time.
COL. AMEN: So that you believe it to be an authentic document?
COL. AMEN: Will you now lay it aside on the table there?
Referring to your previous testimony, will you explain to the Tribunal
why you believe that the type of execution ordered by you, namely,
military, was preferable to the shooting-in-the-neck procedure adopted
by the other Einsatz groups?
OHLENDORF: On the one hand, the aim was that the individual leaders and
men should be able to carry out the executions in a military manner
acting on orders and should not have to make a decision of their own; it
was, to all intents and purposes, an order which they were to carry out.
On the other hand, it was known to me that through the emotional
excitement of the executions ill-treatment could not be avoided, since
the victims discovered too soon that they were to be executed and could
not therefore endure prolonged nervous strain. And it seemed intolerable
to me that individual leaders and men should in consequence be forced to
kill a large number of people on their own decision.
COL. AMEN: In what manner did you determine which were the Jews to be
OHLENDORF: That was not part of my task; but the identification of the
Jews was carried out by the Jews themselves, since the registration was
handled by a Jewish Council of Elders.
COL. AMEN: Did the amount of Jewish blood have anything to do with it?
OHLENDORF: I can't remember the details, but I believe that half-Jews
were also considered as Jews.
COL. AMEN: What organizations furnished most of the officer personnel
of the Einsatz groups and Einsatzkommandos?
OHLENDORF: I did not understand the question.
COL. AMEN: What organizations furnished most of the officer personnel
of the Einsatz groups?
OHLENDORF: The officer personnel was furnished by the State Police, the
Kripo, and, to a lesser extent, by the SD.
COL. AMEN: Kripo?