8 Jan. 46
The Defendant Göring, together with Hitler and
Lammers and with the Defendants Frick and Hess, on 8 October 1939 signed
the decree by which certain parts of Polish territory were incorporated
into the Reich.
Purporting to act by virtue of the foregoing decree, Göring, as
Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan, signed an order on 30 October
1939 concerning the introduction of the Four Year Plan in the Eastern
In his directive dated 19 October 1939 (Document Number EC-410, Exhibit
Number USA-298) Göring, stated that the task for the economic
treatment of the various administrative regions would differ, depending
on whether a country was to be incorporated politically into the German
Reich or whether the Government General was involved, which, in all
probability, would not be made a part of Germany. He went on to say:
"In the first mentioned territories
the reconstruction and expansion of the economy, the safeguarding of
all their production facilities and supplies must be aimed at, as well
as a complete incorporation into the Greater German economic system at
the earliest possible time. On the other hand there must be removed
from the territories of the Government General all raw materials,
scrap materials, machines, et cetera, which are of use for the
German war economy. Enterprises which are not absolutely necessary for
the meager maintenance of the bare existence of the population must be
transferred to Germany, unless such transfer would require an
unreasonably long period of time and would make it more practical to
exploit those enterprises by giving them German orders to be executed
at their present location."
From the foregoing documents the complicity of the Defendant Göring,
in the plans for the ruthless exploitation of Poland appears clear. But
his fine hand also may be found behind the remainder of the Nazi plans
for Poland. As an illustration, it was the Defendant Göring who
signed, with Hitler and the Defendant Keitel, the secret decree of 7
October 1939 which entrusted Himmler with the task of executing the
Germanization program. That secret decree was read into evidence at
Pages 1522-23 (Volume III, Page 583).
Evidence already introduced has shown from the mouths of Himmler, the
Defendant Frank, and others just what this appointment involved in human
suffering and degradation.
Similarly, it was the Defendant Göring who, by virtue of his
powers as Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan, issued a decree on 17
September 1940 concerning confiscation in the incorporated Eastern
territories. This decree applied to "property of citizens of