8 Jan. 46
never intended to leave the countries then being
occupied by their armies, that although the rest of the world was to be
deceived on this point, nevertheless, "this need not prevent us
from taking all necessary measures shooting, desettling, et
cetera -and we shall take them." That quotation, may it
please the Tribunal, was taken from our Exhibit USA-317, our Document
L-221. Then Hitler discussed making the Crimea and other parts of the
Soviet Union into German colonies. The Defendant Göring was present
and participated in this conference.
As a final illustration it appears from a memorandum dated 16 September
1941, which is our Exhibit Number USA-318, that Göring presided
over a meeting of German military officials concerned with the better
exploitation of the occupied territories for the German food economy. In
discussing this topic, the Defendant Göring said:
"In the occupied territories on
principle only those people are to be supplied with an adequate amount
of food who work for us. Even if one wanted to feed all the other
inhabitants, one could not do it in the newly occupied Eastern areas.
It is, therefore, wrong to funnel off food supplies for this purpose
if it is done at the expense of the Army and necessitates increased
supplies from home."
; From
the foregoing documents participation of the Defendant Göring in
the Nazi plans for committing wholesale War Crimes in occupied
territories is, we submit, clear.
I turn now to Göring's planning and his participation in inhumane
acts committed against civilian populations before and during the war.
It has been shown that shortly after becoming Prime Minister of Prussia
in 1933, Göring created the Gestapo in Prussia, which became a
model for that instrument of terror as it was extended to the rest of
Germany. Concentration camps were established in Prussia in the spring
of 1933 under his administration, and these camps were then placed in
the charge of the Gestapo, of which he was chief.
The extent to which Göring and the other Nazi conspirators
employed these institutions as agencies for the commission of their
crimes already appears from the evidence. In 1936 Himmler became chief
of the German Police. Thereafter Göring was able to devote his
attention chiefly to the task of creating the German Air Force and to
the task of preparing the nation economically for aggressive war.
However, he continued to be concerned with these institutions of his
creation. An example of this is shown in our Document 1584(I)-PS,
already introduced as Exhibit Number USA-221, which is a teletype sent
by Göring to Himmler in which he requested the latter to place at
his disposal as great a number of concentration