8 Jan. 46
pass to Page 10. In German it is the third full
paragraph on Page 3/11. Göring said:
"No, I don't even dream of refunding
the insurance companies the money. The companies are liable. No, the
money belongs to the State. That's quite clear. That would indeed be a
present for the insurance companies. You made a wonderful Petitum
there. You'll fulfill your obligations; you may count on that."
It is superfluous to quote further from the extensive discussion of all
phases of persecution of the Jews that took place at this meeting. It is
sufficient to point out that on the same day the Defendant Göring
over his own signature, promulgated three decrees putting into effect
the most important matters decided at this meeting. In the first of
these decrees a collective fine of 1 billion Reichsmarks was placed on
all German Jews. I ask the Tribunal to take judicial notice of that
decree, which is our Document 1412-PS and appears in 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt,
Part I, Page 1579.
The second decree entitled, "A Decree on Elimination of Jews from
German Economic Life" barred Jews from trades and crafts. I ask the
Tribunal to notice judicially that decree, which is our Document
2875-PS, cited in 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, Page 1580.
The third-decree entitled, "Decree for the Restoration of the
Appearance of the Streets of Jewish Economic Enterprises" took care
of the insurance question raised in the morning's meeting by providing
that insurance due to the Jews for various losses sustained by them was
to be collected by the State. I ask the Court to notice judicially that
decree also. It is our Document 2694-PS and appears in 1938 Reichsgesetzblatt,
Part I, Page 1581.
THE PRESIDENT: Shall we break off for 10 minutes there?
[A recess was taken.]
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Albrecht, the Tribunal thinks that these methods,
which are really methods which we have already had under consideration,
might be presented in a more summary way than you have been dealing with
them, and if you can possibly shorten the matters with which you are
dealing now by summarizing more than you are, it will be more useful to
the Tribunal and will save time.
MR. ALBRECHT: My Lord, I think I am practically through with this
point. At any event I think I shall not have to take more than 5 or 10
THE PRESIDENT: Very well, but I may say that the same observation will
apply to those who follow.