- English
date system throughout, e.g., August 1, 1941.
- The
German for female Jew is Jüdin (Jewess). The English word is
usually considered derogatory, but has been used for lack of a better alternative.
- Abbreviations
Comm. | | Communist |
Ein. | | Einsatzkommando |
Fem. | | Female |
Germ. | | German |
Intell. | |
Intellectual |
J | | Jewish |
Lith | | Lithuanian |
Polit | | Politruk (which itself is an abbreviation
for politicheski rukovoditel [political instruction]) |
Russ | | Russian |
- Germans
distinguishes female nationalities by using a different word
than their male counterpart. Example is Zigeuner (male gypsy) and
Zigeunerin (female gypsy).
- There
is an addition mistake in the original at page 2, entry for
August 13, 1941. The total is given as 719 whereas it should be 718.
- There
appears to be a mistake in the original German at page 7, 6th
line of the second full paragraph. "An hand" should be
"Anhand". Obviously, we do not correct it.
- Hetz. i. A. -Lg. meanining unknown.