Teletype message
From: The SS and Police Fuehrer in the District of Warsaw
Warsaw, 28 April 1943.
Ref. No.: I ab/St/Gr-16 07-Journal Nr. 562/43 secret.
Re: Ghetto operation
To: The Higher SS and Police Fuehrer East, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer and General
of Police Krueger or deputy.
Progress of operation on 28 April 1943. Start 1000 hrs.
Today, 10 raiding parties were formed for combing out the whole of the Ghetto.
These raiding parties again discovered proceeding step by step, a number of
dug-outs, which were found to have been prepared as far ago as the middle of
last year for use in the resistance of the Jews. A total of 335 Jews were
forcibly pulled out of these dug-outs. Apart from these operations, we
continued to cleanse the resistance center used by the Jewish military
organization, situated at the borders of the Ghetto. We succeeded in shooting
10 more bandits, and in arresting 9, beyond those caught yesterday, and in
capturing more arms, ammunition, and military equipment. In the afternoon a
battle group again was directed against a block of buildings which had already
been combed out; the block was set on fire during this operation.
As on previous days, masses of Jews emerged, forced out by the flames and the
enormous clouds of smoke. At another point an Engineer officer, attached by the
Wehrmacht to the units with great trouble opened a dug-out situated about 3
meters below ground. From this dug-out, which had been ready since October of
last year and was equipped with running water, toilet, and electric light, we
pulled out 274 of the richest and most influential Jews. Today again we
encountered very strong resistance in many paces and broke it. It becomes
clearer every day that we are now encountering the real terrorists and
activists, because of the duration of the operation.
Result of today: 1,655 Jews caught for evacuation, of whom 110 were killed in
Many more Jews were killed by the flames; moreover, Jews in an unascertainable
number were destroyed by the dug-outs being blown up.