The Sobibor Personnel


Erich Bauer
SS-Oberscharführer. Born 1900, Germany.
Short in stature but well built, Bauer was in charge of the gas chambers in Lager III at Sobibor. He was cruel and sadistic; when a transport was gassed he usually seen on the roof checking the gassing process through a glass window. Arrested after he was recognized by Samuel Lerer in a Berlin amusement park. Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1950, Bauer died in a Berlin prison in 1980.

Rudolf Beckmann
Official in Sobibor; killed in the revold on October 14, 1943.

Kurt Bolender
SS-Oberscharführer. Born May 21, 1912.
Active in the euthanasia program as a corpse cremator. Sent to Sobibor at the beginning of 1942, he was in charge of cremation in Lager III. Brutal and ruthless, he would throw babies straight into the transport carts like sacks of potatoes. Transferred to Treblinka in September 1942. Arrested in May 1961 under the name "Brenner" [german, transl. "Burner" i.e. af person who incinerates something] while working as a porter in a hotel in Hamburg. In his home, police found the inlaid mongram "KB" (made by Szlomo Szmajzner [a survivour of Sobibor who was forced to work as a goldsmith for the SS-personnel]) from the handle of his whip, saved as a souvenir. Committed suicide in December 1965 by hanging himself in his detention cell in Hagen, Germany.

Paul Bredow
Active in the euthanasia program. In Sobibor mostly in charge of the Lazarett where victims not able to go unaided to the gas chambers were murdered. Very sadistic, each day he personally killed a number of Jews who were unfortunate enough to cross his path. Disappeared in 1945.

Arthus Dacshel
Oberwachtmeister der Polizei.
Active in the euthanasia program in Sonnenstein as a body cremator. Later worked in Belzec and Sobibor where he supervised the construction of Lager IV. Disappeared in 1945.

Werner Dubious
SS-Obershcarführer. Born June 26, 1913 in Germany.
Member of the elite SS since 1937. In 1938 he was guard in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp for nine months. Was active in the euthanasia program as a corpse cremator. Later worked at Belzec and transferred to Sobibor in the beginning of June 1943. Sometimes supervised the Waldkommando. Badly wounded in the revolt. Aquitted at the Belzec trial in Munich in 1963-64. Rearrested and sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Sobibor trial in Hagen in 1966. Died in 1973, before an additional charge for crimes at Belzec could be brought against him.

Herbert Floss
SS-Scharführer. Born 1912, Germany.
Killed by Ukranian guards days after the revolt in November 1943 while he was assisting the guards in their return to Trawniki training camp.

Kurt Franz
SS-Oberscharführer. Staff cook in the ehthanasia institutions of Grafeneck, Brandenburg, Hartheim and Sonnenstein. From early 1942 worked at Belzec and later in Treblinka where he advanced to deputy commandant On June 21, 1943, nominated to the officer's rank of SS-Untersturmführer on Himmler's personal order. Arrived at Sobibor at the end of October 1943 with a group of Jews from Treblinka, brought for the dismantling of the camp. Notoriously cruel. Sentenced after the war to life imprisonment, he was released in 1993 because of old age. Lives in Düsseldorf.

Karl Frenzel
SS-Oberscharführer. Born August 28, 1911, in Zehdenick/Havel.
He became a member of the Nazi party in August 1930. A carpenter by trade. Formerly employed in the euthanasia program. Arrived at Sobibor with Stangl's group on April 28, 1942. In Sobibor he was in charge of Lager I where JEwish prisoners were kept. Cruel and sadistic. Surviving his superior, he was in charge of Sobibor at the time of the revolt. After the revolt he was sent to Italy where he served with Wirth in Fiume and Trieste. At the time of his arrest on March 22, 1962, he was emplyed as a theater lighting technician. Sentenced to life imprisonment, he was released due to poor health after serving sixteen years. Frenzel now lives under "house arrest" in the village of Gorben-auf-der-Horst, Germany.

Erich Fuchs
SS-Unterscharführer. Born 1902, Germany.
Member of the euthanasia program in the institutions of Brandenburg and Bernburg. In February 1942 he helped in the construction of the gas chambers at Belzec. After April 1942 he worked at Sobibor, later at Treblinka. After the war he was a car salesman. Acquitted at the Belzec trial in Munich 1963-64. Rearrested and sentenced to four years imprisonment at the Sobibor Trial in Hagen in 1966. Fuchs was married for the sixth time during the trial. Died in 1984.

Odilo Globocnik
SS-Brigadeführer. Born 1904 in Trieste.
He won Nazi approval in 1938 by working for the seizure of Austria. As a reward he was made Gauleiter of Vienna. In 1941 he was made the head of Operation Reinhard. He committed suicide on May 31, 1945 in Austria, after his arrest by British troops.

Hubert Gomerski
SS-Oberscharführer. Short and stocky; age 35 at the time he worked in Sobibor. He supervised the Waldkommando. A sadistic murderer. Sentenced in 1948 to life in prison, he was released in 1972 because of poor health. In 1974 he was sentenced to another fifteen years.

Paul Groth
He performed his tasks with zeal and sadism, usuially accompanied by the dog "Barry" (the size of a small pony, the dog was trained to attack prisoners). Extremely cruel. Involved with a Jewish cleaning girl named Ruth. At the end of 1942 he was transferred to Belzec and was in charge of the train which brought the last work Jews from Belzec to Sobibor for execution in the early summer of 1943. Disappeared at the end of the war; officially declared dead by a German court in 1951, at the request of his wife.

Robert Jührs
SS-Unterscharführer. Born on October 17, 1911.
Active in the Euthanasia program. Member of the Belzec staff until March 1943, later active in the Dorohusza camp, and after the liquidation of the Jewish prisoners, sent to Sobibor on November 5, 1943, to supervise the dismantling of the structures. Took part in the execution of the last group of over thirty Jews. Aquitted at the Belzec trial in Munich 1963-1964. Jürhs today lives in Frankfurt-am-Main.

Johann Klier
SS-Unterscharfürer. Born in 1901, Germany. In charge of the bakery and shoe storeroom. Secretly helped Jews. On the basis of victims' testimonies he was aquitted at his 1950 trial in Berlin.

Erich Lachmann
Former memeber of the police Silesia, Germany, with the rank of Oberwachmeister (Staff Sergant).
In 1941 sent to Lublin  and to SS-training camp Trawniki as an instuctor to Ukranian volunteers for guard duties. In June 1942 he was transferred to Sobibor and later ordered to report to Treblinka. On the way to this camp he deserted with the help of his Polish girlfriend. Arrested after roaming the streets of Warzaw for six weeks he was sentenced by an SS court in Lublin to six years prison. After short stays in different detention camps, he was sent as a prisoner to the Dachau concentration camp.

Erwin Lambert
SS-unterscharführer. Born July 12, 1909, in Schildow near Berlin. 
A mason by trade. Member of the Nazi party since 1933. Arrived in Sobibor at the end of September 1942 for a three-week period in connection with the installation of gas-chambers. Sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Sobibor tiral in Hagen in 1966.

Ludwig Karl
Worked in the euthanasia program and also worked in Treblinka and Sobibor. Treated the Jews in a humane way.

Hermann Michel
SS-Oberscharführer, about 35 years old at the time he worked at Sobibor.
Tall and delicate, he addressed the incoming transports; his polite and refined speech earned him the nickname "Preacher". Cruel, and a master of deception. Detained by the US Army, at Bad Aiblingen, Bavaria, but released on April 19, 1946. Cashed a certificate of credit for $191.60 on January 15, 1948, and disappeared. Believed to have been living in Egypt in the 1950s.

Franz Reichleitner
SS-Hauptsturmführer. Austrian. Worked in the Euthanasia-program in Hartheim.
Commandant of Sobibor after Stangl's transfer to Treblinka. A perfect bureaucrat who, directing his killing empire with strict precision from his desk, seldom ventured into the depths of the camp grounds. He was demanding keeping his distance with his underlings. Jews referred to him as "Trottel" (Idiot), the taunt he often called the Jews, or "Rosh" from the Hebrew word for chief. After the revolt in Sobibor he was transferred, together with other members of Operation Reinhard, to Italy where he was killed by partisans. Buried in the German Military Cemetary at Costermano, Italy.

Heinz-Hans Schütt
SS-Scharführer. Worked in the Euthanasia program in Grafeneck and Hadamar.
Was in Sobibor until August 1942. Took care of the office work and payroll. For some unclear reason he was arrested and sentenced to six years in prison. Near the end of the war, Schütt was sent to the Eastern Front.

Franz Stangl
SS-Hauptsturmführer. Born March 26, 1908 in Austria.
Formerly a police officer. Worked in the Euthanasia program in the institutions of Hartheim and Berneburg in Germany. Commandant of Sobibor, and later Treblinka. After the war, with Red Cross documents and money supplied by Bishop Hudal at the Vatican, he escaped to Syria and later to Brazil. Discovered in 1967 in a Volkswagon factory in Sao Paolo, he was arrested and extradited to Germany to stand trial. Sentenced to life imprisonment. Died of a heart attack in prison.

Richard Thomalla
A tall well-built man around 40 years old. Was a protégé of General Globocnik, whom he knew from earlier times. He was responsible for building the Sobibor death camp. Executed some of the Jews building Sobibor.

Heinrich Unverhau
SS-Oberscharführer. Born June 5, 1911.
Active in the Euthanasia program. Member of the Belzec SS staff. In May 1943 he was transferred to Sobibor. After the war he supported himself as a musician. Aquitted at the Grafeneck euthanasia trial in West Germany in 1948, and aquitted at the Belzec trial in Munich in 1963-64.

Gustav Wagner
SS-Oberscharführer. Born in Austria.
Called "Gustl" by his friends. Sergant-major in Sobibor. He interpreted orders, held work meetings, and solved unforseen problems between the ranks. Tall and very powerfully bult, with disproportionately long arms. Very intelligent and witty, but had an explosive personality. His deep blue eyes had and an almost hypnotizing power. Regarded as the most sadistic and cruel Nazi in Sobibor. After the war he escaped with Stangl and was discovered in Brazil. The Brazilian government refues his extradition to Germany. According to Government sources he comitted suicide in October 1980.

Christian Wirth
SS-Sturmbannführer. Born in Germany in November 1985. Formerly Chief of Police in Stuttgart, Germany. The transfer document designating him to the Security Service dated April 8, 1939, bears the mark "Z. Führer" (at disposal of the Führer). Known as "Christian the Terrible" by his subordinates because of his cruelty. Inspector in the euthanasia program and Operation Reinhard. Experimentd in developing gas chambers, gassing crippled and insane victims in the Brandenburg Institute, 1940. First commandant of Belzec. Killed by partisans in Italy in May 1944. His grave in Italy is marked by a large stone cross in the German Military Cemetetary at Costermano by Lake Garda.

Franz Wolf
SS-Unterscharführer. Born on March , 1907.
Brother of Josef Wolf who was killed in the revolt, worked at Sobibor at the time of the revolt. Sentenced to eight years imprisonment at the Sobibor trial in Hagen 1966. Lives today in Bavaria.

Josef Wolf
Came to Sobibor in March 1943. Primarily  responsible for textile sorting and hair-cutting area. Thin and small in stature. Killed in the revolt. Buried in the German Military Cemetery in Chelmn.

Ernst Zierke
SS-Unterscharführer. Member of the Nazi party since 1930.
Active in the euthanasia program in the institution of Grafeneck and Hadamar. Member of the Belzec staff until March 1943, later active in the Dorohucza camp from which he was sent to Sobibor on November 5, 1943, to supervise the dismantling of the structures. Also took part in the execution of the last group of over thirty Jews. Aquitted at the Belzec trial in Munich in 1964, and released from custody during the Sobibor trial in Hagen on health grounds.


-The material on this page is reproduced, with permission, from Sobibor - The Forgotten Revolt by Thomas Blatt (ISBN 0-9649442-0-0).