Yes, it is true. At the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History,
right in the heart of Washington, D.C., paid for by our tax dollars, there
is an entire exhibit dedicated solely to dinosaurs. How many brave,
mammalian Americans spilled their warm blood for this country and its values
so that we could be forced to put up with a monument to
- who weren't even Americans - right in the middle of our nation's capital?
How did the federal government allow the creation of such a monstrosity?
What is its meaning for American policy and for American values? And what
must the American people do to regain control of the land their servants
in Washington handed over to a foreign interest, and to establish an enterprise
thereon, whether a museum or otherwise, informed by and conducted according
to American principles and interests?
We were victorious in the struggle for natural selection, yet
all you hear these days are lizards whining about how extinct they are.
I don't see any museum to the dodo, and he's just as extinct. How
may strains of rainforest vegetation have vanished from the earth - yet
has there been even one movie, let alone a sequel? (Jurassic
park was produced by the same man who gave us Schindler's List... coincidence?)
Dinosaur museums are nothing more than monuments to amphibian arrogance.
All of the great accomplishments of Western civilization were undertaken
by mammals. Whereas, a disproportionate number of the leaders and agitators
of the Bolshevik revolution were lizards.* There is no reason why we primates
should be expected to contribute our land and our tax dollars to such a
I call on all warm-blooded Americans to resist the use of public lands
and funds towards the glorification of this one tiny special interest group.
Enough is enough. Primate pride, worldwide!
* granted, most were not, themselves, practicing lizards,
but revisionist research can show that almost all had at least some
in their line of evolutionary descent.
There is absolutely no evidence that
dinosaurs even existed in the first place...
This dinosaur conspiracy has spread its tendrils
even further than the Mad Revisionist realises
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