THE MAD REVISIONIST's inital reply
Ted O'Keefe wrote:
> I can't prove that the moon exists. That's why there's an urgent need
> for laws to criminalize moon denial, and why billions of dollars
> reparations to the lunatic, er, lunar community would seem called
> Ted O'Keefe, Institute for Historical Review
You're behind the times. Lunar revisionism has already been banned
every major academic institution and media in the world. And
the "Moon
myth" has milked billions of dollars from taxpayers pockets towards
shadowy ends already.
Isn't it strange, then, that after more than two years on-line, NO ONE
claimed my $100,000 reward for conclusive physical evidence of the
existence of the moon.
If your institute is willing to help fight this Lunacy, I welcome the
assistance. The criminals behind the Moon and Holocaust hoaxes
must be
confronted and made to answer for their crimes, don't you agree?
We do not recruit, we convince
Truth has no need for coercion