The Institute for Historical Review (IHR) censors THE MAD REVISIONIST

"There seems to be room in the journals for a considerable range of discussion..."

Subject: Re: I can't prove...
Date:  Thu, 10 Feb 2000 12:51:42 -0800
From: Ted O'Keefe <>
To: The Mad Revisionist <>

The Mad Revisionist wrote:

> I appreciate your support, even coming from a dissenter.  Indeed, astrophysics
> is not my field either.  The bulk of the moon research that appears on my
> website was completed by our resident Ph.D. in Theology, Dr. Leopold Iv.  The
> focus of my research, like yours, is revisionist history.  And I have uncovered
> startling evidence that the numbers alleged to have been killed in the event
> known as the "Great Hunger" or "Potato Famine" of Ireland in the 1840's have
> been grossly exaggerated by historians.  Further, I examine the dire political
> consequences of this fraud.  A summary of my conclusions can be found on my
> website at .
> However, as usual, my research has been suppressed and persecuted by the
> mainstream controlled media.  It appears that contrary to the reputation they
> seek to cultivate as forums for the discussion of controversial issues,
> mainstream educational institutions and academic publications have certain
> "sacred cows", such as the 1.5 million number alleged to have been killed in
> the Great Famine, which are considered to be above debate.  I am hoping,
> therefore, that with your institute's proud reputation of supporting dissident
> historians, you would consider giving me an opportunity to reach your
> readership with some of the startling truths that I have uncovered.

I'm somewhat familiar with the issue. There seems to be room in the journals for a
considerable range of discussion, from British policy to the actual number of
deaths from starvation and related causes. Perhaps if you could dredge up--or
hypothesize--a secret order to blight the Hibernian potato crop from Robert Peel,
and a clandestine action--always described in code words--to carry out that order,
with a resultant killing of some six million Irishmen, then you'd have an article
that fell well outside the present range--at least in Irish historiographical
circles. Not up our alley, either, as you might guess--but why not submit it to
the Journal of Genocide and Holocaust Studies?

> However, before submitting my article I have a few questions regarding your
> journal, its procedures, and the criteria that my submission should meet:
> 1) Is the Holocaust really the only issue that concerns your publication?  With
> all due respect, my research is predicated on the assumption that all human
> life is sacred, and therefore the deaths of Jews is no more or less tragic or
> worthy of attention than, say, the millions killed by Stalin or Mao, by Allied
> bombings of Germany or Japan, or, for that matter, the millions of Irish who
> allegedly perished in the Great Hunger.  Would the editors of your journal not
> agree that all of these tragedies are equally worthy of the attentions of
> revisionist scholarship?

Reading nearly any issue of the Journal of Historical Review would suffice to
show that its ambit is and has been larger than the alleged Jewish Holocaust.
There has been some work in comparable areas (concentration camps in the Boer
War, detention and prison camps in the Civil War, the lot of the West Coast
Japanese Americans in  WWII, and so forth), but the context has always been
primarily revisionism of the diplomatic, military, etc. history of the two world
wars of the twentieth century.

> 2) By whom, and by what criteria would a submission such as my piece on the
> Irish Potato Hoax judged in terms of its appropriateness for inclusion in your
> journal?

Chiefly by the editor, Mark Weber, by reference to the program sketched above and
with regard to considerations of fact, probability, logic, and so on.

> 3) Some technical concerns: what is the appropriate length of a standard
> submission to your journal?  My research has been quite fruitful, so if my
> submission is too long, would you be willing to publish it serially, say, in
> two parts?  I will also need to know which style sheet your journal uses as its
> standard.

Published submissions have varied from 600 to 20,000 words. Two-part articles are
possible. At present, editor Weber doubles in brass as copy editor and will bring
whichever of your submissions he deems merits publishing into conformance with JHR

> 4)  Since I would be including your publication in my CV, I will need to know
> whether, and by what means and authority, your journal is peer reviewed in
> order to ensure academic standards.

Peer review is informal.

> 5) You have implied that revisionists associated with your institute have been
> prosecuted as criminals for their work in the past.  As I am an American
> citizen, and yours is an American publication, I would like to request that you
> draw my attention to exactly which sections of American federal or state law
> you suspect I might run the risk of violating, so that I may review and edit my
> own work accordingly.

Not to worry--revisionism is not against any American law. A number of our
advisers and associates, however, have been arrested, tried, convicted, and
imprisoned in various European nations for "denying the Holocaust." Various
persons associated with the IHR have lost their jobs in the U.S., however, and the
advertising manager of an academic journal was once fired for accepting an IHR ad
for publication--so that it might be prudent to maintain your alias.

> I thank you for your time, and look forward to your response.  The Truth shall
> prevail!

We're certainly working on that.
    Ted O'Keefe


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