of the Heads of State and Government of the participating
and facilitating countries of the Stability Pact and the
Principals of participating and facilitating International
Organizations and Agencies and regional initiatives
Sarajevo, 30 July 1999
1. We have gathered in Sarajevo on 30 July 1999 to endorse
the purposes and principles of the Stability Pact for South
Eastern Europe, initiated by the European Union, adopted in
Cologne on 10 June 1999, and subsequently placed under the
auspices of the OSCE. We affirm our collective and individual
readiness to give concrete meaning to the Pact by promoting
political and economic reforms, development and enhanced
security in the region. We confirm our commitment to overcome
the tragedies which have afflicted South Eastern Europe during
this decade and pledge our continued support to the
Dayton/Paris and Kosovo peace processes.
2. Sarajevo is a city which has taken its place in the
history of our century. It is a symbol of the will to emerge
from the depths of conflict and destruction as well as a
symbol of multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural
respect and tolerance. From Sarajevo, we affirm our
determination to work together towards the full achievement of
the objectives of democracy, respect for human rights,
economic and social development and enhanced security to which
we have subscribed by adopting the Stability Pact. We reaffirm
our shared responsibility to build a Europe that is at long
last undivided, democratic and at peace. We will work together
to promote the integration of South Eastern Europe into a
continent where borders remain inviolable but no longer denote
division and offer the opportunity of contact and cooperation.
3. Those countries in the region who seek integration into
Euro-Atlantic structures, alongside a number of other
participants of the Sarajevo Summit, strongly believe that the
Pact and implementation of its objectives will facilitate this
process. We reaffirm that the EU Member States and other
participating countries and international organisations and
institutions commit themselves to making every effort to
assist them to make speedy and measurable progress along this
road. We also reaffirm the inherent right of each and every
state participating in the Pact to be free to choose or change
its security and association arrangements, including treaties
of alliance as they evolve.
4. It is our strong wish that all the countries of the
region work together in a spirit of cohesion and solidarity
through the Stability Pact to build a common, prosperous and
secure future. We regret that we were not able to invite the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) to be present today as a
full and equal participant in the Stability Pact. All
participants must respect the principles and objectives of
this pact. We appeal to the people of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia to embrace democratic change and to work actively
for regional reconciliation. In order to draw this country
closer to this goal, respecting its sovereignty and
territorial integrity, we will consider ways of making the
Republic of Montenegro an early beneficiary of the pact and
reaffirm our support to all democratic forces. In this
connection, we support the full implementation of UNSC
Resolution 1244 regarding Kosovo, FRY. We also support UNMIK
and KFOR in their efforts to ensure peace, democracy and
security for all inhabitants of Kosovo. We reiterate the
importance of the preservation of the multi-ethnic character
of Kosovo, where the rights of all citizens and the rule of
law are respected. We welcome the encouraging results of the
28 July 1999 donor conference for immediate humanitarian and
other assistance.
5. The countries of the region are the owners of the
stabilisation process and their full efforts in and
commitments to this undertaking are critical to its success.
We welcome the progress the countries of South Eastern Europe
have made in building regional cooperation and the commitments
they have undertaken on bilateral and regional levels to
promote and implement the objectives of the Stability Pact.
Regional initiatives, organisations and cooperative structures
will be of particular benefit to this effort.
6. Regional cooperation will serve as a catalyst to the
aspirations of the countries in the region to integrate
themselves into broader structures. We welcome common
proposals and projects of cross-border or regional character
by the countries of South Eastern Europe and other countries
of the Stability Pact as an important contribution to
translating the Pact's objectives into swift and specific
actions. These proposals should be referred to the Regional
Table and the relevant Working Tables of the Stability Pact.
7. We will work together to accelerate the transition in
the region to stable democracies, prosperous market economies
and open and pluralistic societies in which human rights and
fundamental freedoms, including the rights of persons
belonging to national minorities, are respected, as an
important step in their integration into euro-atlantic and
global institutions. We welcome the undertakings of countries
of the region to continue to promote democracy,
reconciliation, economic reform, good governance, security
cooperation and confidence-building, which constitute a solid
basis for our efforts to stabilise and transform the region.
Our shared objective is the development of peaceful and good
neighbourly relations. Full implementation by all parties of
the Dayton/Paris Accords, as envisaged by the Peace
Implementation Council (PIC) in Madrid, is also an integral
element of regional stabilisation. The partners undertake
fully to support the countries of the region in their effort
to achieve these goals.
8. The Stability Pact process will concentrate on the areas
of democracy and human rights, economic development and
cooperation as well as security.
9. Democracy and Human Rights: Deep-rooted democratic
habits and a vibrant civil society constitute the foundation
upon which the achievement of the objectives of the Pact can
be built. We will work together to encourage cooperation,
including among countries of Central and Eastern Europe and of
South Eastern Europe that have valuable practical experience
to share, on promoting human rights and attitudes and
practices of democratic accountability, personal
responsibility, freedom of expression and the rule of law. We
commit ourselves to continue to cooperate to restructure civil
administration and to bolster the freedom of political
activity and independent media throughout the region. We
affirm that we are accountable to our citizens and responsible
to one another for respect for OSCE norms and principles. We
emphasise the important role of the Council of Europe in the
implementation of the Stability Pact. We also reaffirm the
right of all refugees and displaced persons to return freely
and safely to their homes. We reconfirm our pledge to
cooperate towards preserving the multinational and multiethnic
diversity of countries in the region and protecting
minorities. Established ethnic, cultural and linguistic
identities and rights should be consistently protected in
accordance with relevant international mechanisms and
conventions. We welcome the initiative by countries of the
region to develop a dialogue and consultations on human rights
10. Economic Development and Cooperation: We underline the
importance of enhanced economic relations of countries in the
region with the European Union and of their integration into
the global trading system, including WTO membership. We affirm
that economic reform and the creation of a healthy business
environment are necessary prerequisites for economic progress,
integration and job creation. We commit ourselves to work
together to remove policy and administrative obstacles to the
free flow of goods and capital, in order to increase economic
cooperation, trade and investment in the region and between
the region and the rest of Europe and the world, and also to
improve basic regional infrastructure. Countries of the region
pledge to take concrete action to improve the investment
climate. In turn, we will work together with the international
financial institutions to develop appropriate vehicles to
mobilise private finance and mitigate risk. We recognise the
great economic benefit to the region of providing unilateral
trade preferences for South Eastern Europe, and we commit to
pursue such concrete measures to catalyse development and
growth in the region. Countries in the region will continue
and where necessary intensify efforts to create a predictable
and fair business environment, fight corruption and crime and
press on with market-oriented reforms, including privatisation.
Partners will work systematically and in a coordinated way to
assist them in this endeavour, drawing on their expertise and
resources. In that context, we will develop specific means to
allow active participation of firms from South Eastern Europe
in procurement for reconstruction and development in the
region. Subject to this objective, such procurement should be
done through fair and transparent competition according to
multilaterally agreed principles. The international financial
institutions will make best efforts to assist the countries of
South Eastern Europe to achieve rapid and effective economic
development. We ask that proposals, including from countries
in the region, on economic development and cooperation of a
regional character be evaluated, as appropriate, in the
EC-World Bank donor coordination process and in the Stability
Pact Economic Working Table, working in close consultation
with one another. Where appropriate, additional financing for
regional projects could be sought from donors. Italy has
offered to host a conference for this purpose.
11. Security: We pledge to work towards ending tensions and
creating peaceful and good neighbourly relations in order to
strengthen a climate of security throughout the region. We
commit ourselves to full implementation of existing arms
control and confidence-building measures and to efforts for
their improvement. We will also promote civilian control of
the armed forces and effective measures against organised
crime, terrorism and problems caused by landmines and small
arms proliferation. We will cooperate to promote transparency
and accountability in defense and security matters and
military spending. In this regard, we welcome the decision of
Bosnia and Herzegovina to reduce its military expenditures and
personnel. We furthermore welcome the recommitment of
signatories present to fulfilling their Dayton arms control
12. We welcome and support the appointment of Mr. Bodo
Hombach as the Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact by
the Council of the European Union, as endorsed by the Chairman
in Office of the OSCE. We pledge our full cooperation to the
Special Coordinator in the achievement of our objectives.
13. We expect the South Eastern Europe Regional Table to
establish an effective coordination framework for the Pact's
activities. We welcome the intention of the Presidency of the
EU to convene the first meeting of the Regional Table in
September 1999. We welcome the intention of the Special
Coordinator to present a Work Plan in advance of that first
meeting, together with proposals on the chairs of the Working
Tables to be established at this meeting. We welcome the
intention of participants and facilitators and other
interested countries to contribute proposals to be included in
the Work Plan covering the activities of the Working Tables.
We support convening of the meetings of the Working Tables
within one month after the Regional Table meeting at dates and
locations to be decided at the Regional Table.
14. We welcome the intention expressed by all present to
translate the objectives of the Pact into concrete action,
tailored to the individual needs of the countries in the
region, and taking into account recommendations made by them.
Operating on the basis of equality, transparency and
efficiency, the Regional Table and the Working Tables will be
instrumental in giving further substance to and monitoring the
implementation of our commitments.
15. We call on all participants and facilitators and other
interested countries to continue to participate generously in
this process of transformation, economic development and
reconstruction of South Eastern Europe upon which we are
embarking with today's solemn gathering. We call on all to
align themselves with the objective of extending the area of
stability, democracy, peace and prosperity to all the peoples
of South Eastern Europe.