Accessed 17 April 1999


Alleged rape - aggressor's new filthy propaganda move
April 11, 1999
 New York, April 10, 1999 (Tanjug) - Apparently swept off their feet, the NATO aggressors turned to another monstrous fabrication on alleged "massive raping" of Albanian women in Kosmet, but it is obvious that such a desperate move of the western propaganda was read even by a part of the American press.

 Of course, the new fabrication was initiated by the Pentagon itself and this time they exposed their spokesman Kenneth Bacon to a terrible risk of a public lie and compelled him to say such a fib as is the alleged "systematic raping" at military camps in Kosmet.

 Today's media convey Bacon's words and quote his utterly unconvincing assertions that this new information of massive raping, was obtained "from a source" for which Bacon says is "very reliable". He also promised, that Pentagon would provide "some more proofs" and would interview the refugees to find out if they knew something about it.

 The Washington Post points out very indicatively to this latest lie, this time initiated directly and publicly by the Pentagon officials: "Reports, which are not confirmed, are used to get the support for the continuation of the bombing campaign". The Washington Daily adds that such a move is one of the most severe attempts of the "Clinton's Administration and NATO allies campaign" to dishonour the Yugoslav government and present it to the world as the one which infringes the international laws.

 The Washington Daily draws attention that launching of such news followed almost immediately the news from Yugoslavia about more and more alarming information that in the latest NATO bombarding, there were lots of wounded people and that the bombs destroyed, among other things, the car factory, communication lines and other infrastructure.

 The New York Times has almost the same comments, noticing "the surprising haste which followed the announcement of the latest information on raping." The New York daily concludes that the objective of launching such lies is the backup of bombarding. The proof that something is wrong, is the also the strange timing when this information was announced. Because, if this information was brought last week by Albright's envoy David Shafer, why it was announced with such a big delay?

 As for the mysterious "only one source" which revealed the "terrible secret" to the Pentagon, on alleged crimes of the Serbs, there are no details presented, but many suspect that the person in question is terrorist Hashim Taqi.

 The news announced by CNN which confirm that Albright's spokesman, James Rubin has been in everyday contact with this terrorist Taqi, only support the suspicions. Taqi is without any doubt the man from which Rubin gets the information and with whom the American aggressor is coordinating the actions and filthy propaganda moves.


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