Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. III. USGPO, Washington, 1946, pp.190-191

Rosenberg Order Concerning Establishment and
Role of Einsatzstab in Eastern Occupied Territories

The Reichs Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories
Berlin W 35, Rauch Street 17/ 18, 20 Aug 1941
Tel: 21 95 15 and 39 50 46
Cable address : Reichminister East

Na 369/ R/ H

Director of the Reichs Main Office UTIKAL [Reichshauptstellenleiter]

Subject: Safeguarding the cultural goods in the occupied Eastern Territories

I have instructed the Reichs Commissioner for the Eastland and his subordinate general and district commissioners to secure all cultural goods in the Reichs Commissariat of the East which are appropriate in general for national-socialistic research as well as research of the activities of the opponents of National-Socialism. I delegate you to carry out with an "Einsatzstab" to be formed for this purpose this work of the Reichs Commissioner, the General, Main and Regional Commissioners, for their support. During the execution of this mission you will remain directly subordinate to Main Division II of my ministry whose directors will provide you with additional instructions. The orders issued by the Fuehrer for the "Einsatzstab" in the West remain also the same for the East.

The execution of your job will be financed, as in the occupied western territories, through the Reichs treasurer of the NSDAP. A later accounting between him and the ministry for the occupied eastern territories, respectively with the Reichs Commissariats is held in reserve.

I am including a letter of mine to the Reich Commissioner of the Eastland.

Heil Hitler !

1 inclosure

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 22/02/99
©S D Stein

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