Source:Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III. USGPO, Washington, 1946/pp.529-530

Keitel Note  Concerning
Handling of Enemy "Terror-Aviators"

14 June 1944

[Handwritten note :]
20 June

Chief of Supreme Command of Armed Forces (Chef/ OKW)
K [Keitel]

Supreme Command of the Armed Forces
Nr. 771793/ 44 gKChefs. II. Ang., WFSt/ Qu. (Verw. 1)

Fuehrer's Headquarters, 14 June 1944
2 Copies,
Copy No. 2
Top Secret
By Officer Courier only

Subject: Treatment of enemy terror aviators [hand written note: mailed 17 June]

To the Supreme Commander of the Air Force, Attention: Col. of the General Staff von Brauchitsch

1. On the basis of preliminary discussions and after consultation with the Foreign Minister and with the Chief of the Security Police and of the Security Service, the following activities are to be considered the acts of terror, which are to be taken into consideration upon the publication of an instance of lynching and which will justify the transfer of enemy aviators from the Air Forces (P. W.) Reception Camp Oberursel to the SD. [Security Service] for special treatment:

1.  Low-level aerial attacks upon the civilian population--upon individuals as well as upon groups.

2.  The shooting of our own downed (German) air crews, while parachuting to earth.

3.  Low-level aerial attacks upon passenger trains engaged in public (civilian) transportation.

4.  Low-level aerial attacks upon Army and Civilian Hospitals and upon hospital trains, which are clearly marked with the Red Cross:

It is requested to secure the approval of the Reichsmarshall for this draft of prohibited acts, and if he does approve, orally to instruct the commandant of the Air Force (P. W.) Reception Camp Oberursel to proceed accordingly.

It is further requested that the approval of the Reichsmarshall be obtained, for the method intended to be used in the procedure of publication as expressed in the enclosed communication to the Foreign Secretary.

A written confirmation is requested, if feasible, by the 18th of this month.

Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces

[initialed] K [Keitel] 16 June

1 Enclosure

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 14/03/02 15:46:53
©S D Stein

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