TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT 740-PS Source:Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III. USGPO, Washington, 1946/pp.537-538 Letter from Warlimont Concerning Ops. Staff of the Armed Forces (Verw. 1) 30 June 1944 Subject: Treatment of enemy terror-aviators [Marginal note: "We must really do something about this now. What is still necessary?"] [initialed] W. Agenda I. Enclosed I submit the draft of a reply of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, which has been passed to the Armed Forces Ops Staff (WFSt) through Ambassador Ritter. Ambassador Ritter has advised us by telephone on 29 June that the Minister for Foreign Affairs has approved this draft, but that he has ordered Envoy Sonnleitner to present the attitude of the Foreign Office to the Fuehrer, before the letter is sent to the Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces. The letter is to be forwarded to the Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces only after the approval by the Fuehrer of the principles established by the Foreign Office. II. The Reichsmarshall agrees with the precise wording of the definition of the term "terror-aviators" as given by the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces and with the proposed procedure. /s/ WARLIMONT Distribution: |