© Mazal Library
Index of Aerial Photographs
 Date  Brief Description
June 26, 1944 Photograph annotated by the CIA showing the entire Auschwitz-Birkenau complex.
Aug. 25, 1944 Photograph annotated by the CIA showing a close-up view of the gas chambers and prisoners being conducted from the trains.
Dec. 21, 1944 Photograph annotated by the CIA, showing the partial dismantling of the gas chambers.
Frame 3185 Fragmentary photograph of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex showing Krematorium II and III, 25 August 1944.
Frame 3185-cu Close-up of Krematorium II clearly showing the Zyklon introduction ports on the roof of the gas chamber and the brush fence around both crematoriums, 25 August 1944.
Frame 3186 Fragmentary photograph of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex showing Krematorium II, 25 August 1944.
Frame 3186-cu Close-up of Krematorium II clearly showing the Zyklon introduction ports on the roof of the gas chamber and the brush fence around the crematorium, 25 August 1944.
 Frame 6V2 Photograph of the southern portion of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp. Krematoriums II, III, IV, and V are readily visible as are the brush fences surrounding them., 13 September 1944.
 Farben-01-14-45 Aerial photograph depicting the entire I. G. Farben industrial complex of Monowice. The Auschwitz and Birkenau camps are to the east of this picture. A massive concrete bomb shelter was constructed to the south of this complex.
 Farben-06-26-44 Aerial photograph depicting the entire I. G. Farben industrial complex of Monowice. A massive concrete bomb shelter was constructed to the south of this complex.
 Buna-01-14-45 Amplified aerial photograph of 14 January 1945 showing the Buna Synthetic Rubber Plant in the I.G. Farben complex in Monowice. Bomb craters are visible in the snow.
 Aus-09-13-44-001  Aerial photograph showing the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II (Birkenau) camps during a bombing raid on September 13, 1944, to the I.G. Farben complex in Monowice. A small cluster of bombs can be seen in the picture. Six of the homicidal facilities are identified.
 Aus-09-13-44-002 Aerial photograph of 26 June 1944, of the Town of Oscwiecim. Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau), and the I.G. Farben industrial complex at Monowice are clearly visible. This large-scale photograph shows the relationship and the distances between the various camps.
 Aus-09-13-44-003 Aerial photograph of September 13, 1944 showing a number of bombs hitting the ground in the vicinity of the main camp, Auschwitz I.
KII-Color Aerial Color Photo of Crematorium II (large file)
KII-B/W  Aerial Black and White Photo of Crematorium II (smaller file).
KIIa-Color Aerial Color Photo of Gas Chamber, Crematorium II showing location of Zyklon-B introduction holes (large file)
KIIa-B/W Aerial Black and White Photo of Gas Chamber, Crematorium II (smaller file)
KIIb-Color Aerial Color Photo (close-up) of Gas Chamber, Crematorium II (large file)
KIIb-B/W Aerial Black and White Photo (close-up) of Gas Chamber, Crematorium II (smaller file)