
Volume VII · Pages V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII & XIII
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Table of Contents - Volume 6
 (Introductory material and basic directives under which the trials were conducted are printed in Volume VI, ‘The Flick Case’ which is the first volume in the economic unit of this series.)

 [Page V]
Frontispiece  I
"The Farben Case" III
Trials of War Criminals Before Nuernberg Military Tribunals IV
Introduction   1
Order Constituting Tribunal    5
Members of the Tribunal   6
Prosecution Counsel   6
Defense Counsel   7
I. Indictment (with appendixes A and B)    10
II. Arraignment    81
III. Opening Statements  98
     A. Introduction    98
     B. For the Prosecution   99
     C. For Defendant Krauch    209
     D. For Defendant Schmitz    216
     E. For Defendant von Schnitzler   222
     F. For Defendant Gajewski   234
     G. For Defendant Hoorlein    244
     H. For Defendant Knieriem    255
     I. For Defendant ter Meer   257
     J. For Defendant Schneider   263
     K. For Defendant Ambros   268
     L. For Defendant Buetefisch   281
     M. For Defendant Haeffiger   286
     N. For Defendant Jaehne   293
     O. For Defendant Gattineau   297
     P. For Defendant Kuehne   310
     Q. For Defendant Buergin   311
     R. For Defendant Ilgner   318
     S. For Defendant Lautenschlaeger    327
     T. For Defendant Mann   331
     U. For Defendant Oster   338
     V. For Defendant Wurster   343
     W. For Defendant Duerrfeld    351
     X. For Defendant von der Heyde   365
     Y. For Defendant Kugler    369
IV. Organization of the I. G. Farben Konzern   378
     A. Introduction   378
     B. Extracts from "Basic Information" on I. G. Farbenindustrie   379
     C. Bylaws for the Managing Board of I. G. Farben    386
     D. Testimony of Defendants Von Knieriem and Ilgner   388

[Page VI] 
     E. Extracts from the Law on Joint Stock Corporations, 1937   393
     F. Commentary on the Law on Joint Stock Corporations by
         Officials of the Reich Ministry for Justice, 1939. 
     G. Legal Opinion of Defense Witness Schmidt on the Responsibility of
          Individual Members of the Managing Board of a Joint Stock Corporation. 
V. Compulsion in Hitler's Third Reich and the Defense of "Window Dressing".   414
     A. Introduction   414
     B. Testimony on Compulsion by Defense Witnesses Milch, Flick, and
          Huenermann and by Defendant Ambros.  
     C. Selections from the Evidence on "Window Dressing"    426
          1. Testimony and Affidavit of Dr. Frank-Fahle, Secretary of
              Commercial Committee of Farben Vorstand. 
          2. Testimony of Defendant Mann    435
          3. Testimony of Defendant Gajewski and Letter from the Reich
              Ministry of Economics to Defendant Gajewski. 
     4. Affidavit and Oral Testimony by Dr. Krueger, Deputy of the Defendant
          Ilgner in Farben's Berlin Northwest 7 Organization.  
VI. Destruction of Documents   446
     A. Introduction   446
     B. Affidavit and Testimony of Dr. von Heider, Farben Official and
          Counterintelligence Officer. 
     C. Affidavit of Dr. Struss, Chief of the Office of the Technical
          Committee of Farben's Managing Board. 
VII. Crimes Against Peace — Counts One and Five   470
     A. Introduction   470
     B. Defense Motion for a Finding of Not Guilty on the Charges of
         Aggressive War and Answer of the Prosecution Thereto. 
          1. Introduction   472
          2. Defense Motion, 17 December 1947    473
          3. Answer of the Prosecution, 5 January 1948   494
     C. The Alleged Alliance of Farben with Hitler and the Nazi Party.   535
          1. Introduction   535
          2. The Meeting of Defendants Buetefisch and Gattineau with Hitler
              in November 1932 and the Subsequent Expansion of Farben's
              Synthetic Gasoline Production.  
          3. The Meeting of Certain Leading Industrialists with Hitler, Goering
              and Schacht in February 1933 and the Raising of Funds
              for the Elections of March 1933. 
          4. Contemporaneous Documents, March 1933 – July 1944   569
          5. Testimony of Defendants Krauch, ter Meer, Schneider, Gajewski,
              Haefliger, Kuehne, and Kugler. 
          6. Testimony of Defense Witness Milch and Prosecution
             Witness Ohlendorf. 
          7. Affidavits of Defense Affiants Hoffmann and Ollendorff   646
     D. Propaganda, Intelligence, Espionage, and Related Matters   648
          1. Introduction   648
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   649

 [Page VII]
          3. Affidavit of Guenter Hausen   700
          4. Testimony of Defendants Mann, llgner and Schneider   703
     E. Reorganization of Economy and Early Considerations of Military
         Economy in the Third Reich.  
          1. Introduction   745
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   746
          3. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer    785
     F. The Four Year Plan    786
          1. Introduction   786
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   787
          3. Testimony of Defendant Krauch   851
          4. Testimony of Defense Witness Kuepper   852
     G. The Krauch Office. The Karinhall Plan or Krauch Plan and its
          Later Modifications. 
          1. Introduction   856
          2. Affidavit and Testimony of Prosecution Witness Felix Ehrmann
              concerning the Reich Office for Economic Expansion, the Plenipotentiary               General for Special Questions of Chemical Production, and the Krauch

          3. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer concerning Farben's Role in
              the Autarchy and Rearmament Program and Defendant Krauch's
              Position in Farben and Government. 
          4. Testimony of Defendant Kuehne concerning Appointments to the Krauch               Office.   863
          5. Contemporaneous Documents.   865
          6. Interrogation of Albert Speer concerning the Krauch Office and
              Related Matters. 
          7. Testimony of Defendants Krauch and Ambros   988
     H. Farben's Liaison Office Wehrmacht (The "Vermittlungsstelle W")
          and Mobilization Planning. 
          1. Introduction    1045
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   1046
          3. Testimony of Defense Witness Huenermann   1122
          4. Testimony of Defendants Krauch, ter Meer, Buergin, Kuehne, and
     I. Stockpiling, Storage of Materials, and Dispersal of Production   1158
          1. Introduction   1158
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   1159
          3. Affidavit of Prosecution Witness Wagner on Stockpiling    1195
          4. Affidavit and Testimony of Prosecution Witness Struss on
              Dispersal of Production. 
          5. Testimony of Prosecution Witness Elias concerning Tetraethyl
          6. Interrogation and Testimony of Defendant von Knieriem concerning
              the Purchase of Fuels and Aviation Gasoline. 
          7. Testimony of Defendants Krauch, ter Meer, Schneider, Buergin,
              Buetefisch, Haefliger, and Wurster.  
     J. Air-Raid Precautions   1223
          1. Introduction    1223
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   1224
          3. Affidavit and Testimony of Prosecution Witness Gorr   1229
          4. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer   1230

 [Page VIII]
     K. Special or Standby Plants Sponsored by the Government or the
          German Armed Forces and Constructed and Operated by Farben. 
          1.Introduction    1233
          2. Affidavit and Testimony of Prosecution Witness Dieckmann.   1234
          3. Testimony of Defendants ter Meer and von Knieriem   1239
          4. Contemporaneous Documents    1243
          5. Testimony of Defense Witness Ehmann    1256
          6. Testimony of Defendant Ambros    1260
     L. Secrecy Regulations, Research and Development of Military Importance,
          and Withholding of Strategie Information and Know-How from Foreign                     Countries. 
          1. Introduction   1263
          2. Contemporaneous Documents    1264
          3. Testimony of Defendants Krauch, von Knieriem, Buetefisch, ter Meer,               Gajewski, and Oster  1311
      M. Farben, Dynamit A.G. (DAG), and the Production of Explosives   1335
          1. Introduction   1335
          2. Two Affidavits and Testimony of Dr. Struss   1337
          3. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer   1344
          4. Contemporaneous Documents   1348
          5. Testimony of Defendant Gajewski   1372
          6. Representations Made by DAG in Tax Litigation Concerning the
              Relationship Between Farben and DAG, the Decision of
              the Reich Supreme Finance Court, and Related Testimony
             of Defendant von Knieriem. 
     N. The “New Order” and Expansion into German-Occupied Europe.    1392
          1. Introduction    1392
          2. Contemporaneous Documents — Austria    1393
          3. Contemporaneous Documents — Czechoslovakia   1415
          4. Contemporaneous Documents — “New Order” Planning in 1940.    1437
          5. Testimony of Defendants Haefliger and Krauch   1464
          6. Affidavit of Dr. Kurt Krueger   1483
     O. Knowledge of Aggressive Intent    1485
          1. Introduction   1485
          2. Affidavits and Testimony of Prosecution Witnesses Ehrmann
              and Wagner.  
          3. Two Affidavits of Defendant von Schnitzler    1498
          4. Affidavit of Defendant ter Meer    1524
          5. Contemporaneous Documents    1530
          6. Testimony of Prosecution Witness Frank-Fahle and Affidavit of Defense
              Witness Seebohm Concerning the Conference on Czechoslovakia in
              May 1938. 
          7. Testimony of Defendants ter Meer, Haeffiger, Ilgner and Kugler  1576


[Page IX]
VIII. Plunder and Spoliation-Count Two   1
     A. Introduction   1
     B. Dismissal of the Charges of Spoliation as to Austria and Czechoslovakia.   2
          1. Introduction  2
          2. Tribunal Ruling of 22 April 1948   2
     C. Poland   3
          1. Introduction   3
          2. Contemporaneous Documents    4
          3. Testimony of Defendant llgner   32
          4. Testimony of Defendant Wurster   33
          5. Testimony of Defense Witness Schwab   36
          6. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer   86
     D. The Francolor Case in France   97
          1. Introduction   97
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   98
          3. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer (First Part)  153
          4. Testimony of Defendant Ambros    164
          5. Testimony of Defendant Kugler   177
          6. Testimony of Defendant ter Meer (Second Part)   211
     E. Russia   255
          1. Introduction   255
          2. Contemporaneous Documents   256
          3. Argument Concerning the Relevance of Contemporaneous
              Documents Offered by the Prosecution and Interlocutory Ruling
              of the Tribunal. 
          4. Testimony or Affidavits of Defendants Ambros, ter Meer, Haefliger,
              Ilgner, and Mann. 
IX. Slave Labor — Count Three   309
     A. Introduction    309
     B. Number of Foreign Laborers, Prisoners of War and Concentration
         Camp Inmates employed by Farben. 
     C. Testimony by Dr. Hans W. Muench, Defense Witness, Concerning
          Knowledge of and Rumors About the Extermination of Concentration
          Camp Inmates in Auschwitz.  
     D. Contemporaneous Documents   321
     E. Affidavits and Testimonies of Prosecution Witnesses   575
          1.Arnost Tauber, Concentration Camp Inmate from Czechoslovakia   578
          2. Norbert Wollheim, Concentration Camp Inmate from Germany.   589
          3. Charles J. Coward, Captured British Soldier Imprisoned at
          4. Eric J. Doyle, Captured British Soldier Imprisoned at Auschwitz.   616
          5. Douglas T. Frost, Captured British Soldier Imprisoned at Auschwitz.   623
     F. Testimonies of Defendants    625
          1. Krauch   625
          2. Ter Meer   684
          3. Schneider    719
          4. Ambros   731
          5. Gajewski    762
          6. Buergin    765

[Page X]
          7. Buetefisch   768
          8. Duerrfeld    787
     G. Affidavits and Testimonies of Defense Witnesses    806
          1. Otto Kirschner, Section Chief in Defendant Krauch's Office.    806
          2. General Rudolf Huenermann, Official in the Military Economy
              and Armament Office of the High Command. 
          3. Count Carlo Ferrario, Italian Industrialist    809
          4. Dr. Alfred Lingg, Official of Farben's Munich Camera Plant.    811
          5. Adolf Taub, a former Inmate of Auschwitz Concentration Camp.   812
          6. Fritz Schermuly, a German Convict Interned at Auschwitz 
              Concentration Camp.
          7. Karl Braus, Official in Charge of the Synthetic Fuel Plant of
              Farben's Auschwitz Plant. 
          8. Helmut Schneider, Official of the Personnel Department of
              Farben's Auschwitz Plant 
X. Membership in the SS — Count Four   852
     A. Introduction    852
     B. Membership of the Defendant Buetefisch in the SS and in the
         Himmler Circle of Friends.  
     XI. Closing Statements      874
     A. Introduction    874
     B. For all Defendants on Fundamental Issues of Law    875
     C. For Defendant Krauch    911
     D. For Defendant Schmitz   935
     E. For all Defendants on the Evidence on the Charges of Crimes
         against Peace. 
     F. For the Prosecution   988
XII. Final Statements of Defendants to the Tribunal    1055
     A. Introduction   1055
     B. Final Statements of Defendants    1055
          1. Defendant Krauch   1055
          2. Defendant Schmitz   1057
          3. Defendant von Schnitzler   1059
          4. Defendant Hoerlein   1063
          5. Defendant Ambros   1064
          6. Defendant Buergin   1065
          7. Defendant Haefliger   1066
          8. Defendant llgner   1069
          9. Defendant Jaehne   1071
         10. Defendant Kuehne   1072
         11. Defendant Wurster   1075
         12. Defendant Duerrfeld    1076
         13. Defendant Gattineau   1079
         14. Defendant von der Heyde   1079
XIII.Decision and Judgment of the Tribunal, Statement by Judge Hebert, and Sentences.   1081
     Opinion and Judgment of United States Military Tribunal VI  1081
          Organization of the Tribunal    1081
          Jurisdiction   1082

[Page XI]
          The Indictment  1082
          The Issues   1083
          The Trial   1083
          Interlocutory Rulings  1084 
          Farben as an Instrumentality    1085
     Counts One and Five   1096
          Common Knowledge   1102
          Personal Knowledge   1107
          Waging Wars of Aggression   1124
          Conspiracy    1127
     Count Two   1128
          Substance of the Charge   1128
          The Law Applicable to Plunder and Spoliation   1131
          The General Facts    1139
     A. Spoliation of Public and Private Property in Poland   1141
     B. The Charge of Spoliation with Reference to Norway    1144
     C. Plunder and Spoliation in France    1146
          1. Alsace-Lorraine   1146
          2. The Francolor Agreement   1147
          3. Rhone-Poulenc   1151
     D. Russia   1152
           Individual Responsibility   1153
                Krauch   1153
                Schmitz    1154
                Von Schnitzler   1156
                Gajewski   1157
                Hoerlein   1158
                Von Knieriem   1159
                Ter Meer  1159
                Schneider, Kuehne, and Lautenschlaeger   1160
                Ambros    1160
                Buergin    1161
                Buetefisch   1161
                Haefliger   1162
                Ilgner  1163
                Jaehne   1164
                Mann   1164
                Oster   1165
                Wurster   1165
                Duerrfeld, Gattineau, and von der Heyde   1166
                Kugler   1167
     Count Three   1167
          Poison Gas   1168
          Medical Experiments   1169
          Farben and the Slave-Labor Program   1172
          The Defense of Necessity   1174
          Auschwitz and Fuerstengrube   1180
               Krauch   1187
               Ter Meer    1190
               Other Members of the TEA and the Plant Leaders    1192
               Remaining Defendants    1195
     Count Four   1196
     Statement of Judge Hebert    1204

[Page IX]
Formal Judgment and Sentences   1205
XIV. Concurring Opinion of Judge Hebert on the Charges of Crimes
         Against Peace. 
     Part I   1211
          The Criminal Intent or State of Mind   1217
     Part II    1237
          Origin and Development of Farben   1238
          Farben's Managerial Organization and Delegations   1239
          Activities of Farben in the Rearmament of Germany    1245
               a. Support of Hitler and the Nazi Party   1245
               b. Cooperation with the Wehrmacht    1246
               c. The Four Year Plan and Economic Mobilization of Germany for War.   1249
               d. Creating and Equipping the Nazi Military Machine   1260
                    Explosives   1260
                    Synthetic Gasoline   1263
                    Synthetic Rubber   1264
                    Light Metals   1265
                    Chemical Warfare Agents    1268
                    Expansion of Plant Facilities    1269
               e. Stockpiling of Critical War Materials    1271
               f. Use of International Agreements to Weaken Germany's
                   Potential Enemies. 
               g. Propaganda, Intelligence, and Espionage Activities   1280
               h. Steps Taken in Anticipation of War for Protection of Farben's
                   Foreign Holdings by Camouflage and Projection of Plans for
                   Economic Domination of Europe in the Chemical Field. 
               i. The Activities of Farben in Acquiring Control of the Chemical
                   Industry in Occupied Countries. 
Part III   1298
XV. Dissenting Opinion of Judge Hebert on the Charges of Slave Labor.   1307
XVI. Confirmation and Revision of the Sentences by the Military Governor of the United States Zone of Occupation.   1326
     A. Introduction   1326
     B. Order of the Military Governor Commuting the Sentence of
          Defendant Haefliger to time served. 
     C. Order of the Military Governor Confirming the Sentence
          Imposed on Defendant Krauch.  
Appendix                                                                                                 facing page  1328
     Photographic Reproductions of Documentary Evidence   1328
     Table of Comparative Ranks    1329
     German Civil Service Ranks   1330
     Glossaries   1331
          1.Glossary of terms, firm names, administrative and governmental
          2. Glossary of chemical and technical terms    1348
          3. Glossary of abbreviations and short names    1350
     Explanation of "Signatures and Initials"   1353

[Page XII]
List of Witnesses   1354
Biographical Index   1361
Index of Documents and Testimonies  1379
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