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The Turner Diaries

William Pierce and the National Alliance: Something to be feared

by E. F.

A student essay from Dr. Elliot Neaman's History 210 class (historical methods - spring 2002)

© Elliot Neaman / PHDN
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In 1997 the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the world’s largest organization fighting anti-Semitism, called the National Alliance, headed by Dr. William Pierce, the “most dangerous organized hate group,” today. It is the largest neo-nazi group and it appears to be growing. According to Abraham H. Foxman of the ADL, what makes the group so dangerous is their belief that they have the “right to carry out acts of violence in order to realize their vision of a world free of Jews, Blacks and democracy (ADL cites Neo- Nazi Group as most Dangerous 1). National Alliance members have been known to carry out acts of violence including murders, bombings, and robberies.

Any heterosexual person with absolutely no Jewish ancestry in them is allowed to become a member. It costs only $15 and applicants are given the choice of going by different name, therefore no one will know who he or she really is. Monthly dues are required and those dues go to support the National Alliance’s work (no work is defined in their statement of requirements for membership). However the applicant wishing to join the National Alliance is not allowed to join if he has any sort of police record because “The National Alliance does not advocate any illegal activity and expects it members to conduct themselves accordingly” (Requirements 1). That is completely contradictory because once that person becomes a member, violence is recommended in order to achieve their goal of Aryan supremacy. 

Under the false name of Andrew MacDonald, William Pierce wrote the handbook for the National Alliance entitled The Turner Diaries. This book details the overthrow of the American democratic system with the replacement of an Aryan World. It also details the mass and systematic killing of all Jews and non-whites. This book is said to be the blueprint of the Oklahoma City bombing. It was admitted by Timothy McVeigh that he had read the book repeatedly, and kept it by his side always (Shinbaum 1). In the book there is a scene where the organization against the system blows up a FBI building. It is remarkably similar to the bombing the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  The bombers use the same tactics and the same devices in blowing the buildings.

In The Turner Diaries, all the Jews run the American system and are considered evil by the organization. Once the system is overturned, all the Jews are killed. The Turner Diaries is also the inspiration for the extremist group “The Order,” which was popular in the early 1980’s. They committed a series of murders, robberies, counterfeiting, and the bombing of a synagogue (Shinbaum 1). The leader of “The Order,” told a friend that the robberies and the bombings were the beginning of the American Nazi revolution. He was later killed in crossfire with the FBI and the other members are now in prison (Shambaum 1).

 While, The Turner Diaries, written by William Pierce, talks about killing of the Jews, it also explicitly denies the holocaust. On page 121 Pierce writes:

“Each day on TV it gets worse, with more and more of the old “gas chambers” propaganda that has worked so well for them in the past. They are really pulling their hair and rending their garments: ‘Oy veh, how we are suffering! How we are persecuted! Why did you let it happen to us?’”(MacDonald 121).

This is one of the many statements Pierce makes in the book, allotting to the fact that the Jews made up the holocaust.  The statements made in the book are explicit of what he believes as a human being. William Pierce, leader of the National Alliance, and an extreme racist, claims the Jews made the holocaust up in order to receive pity from the world and proclaims that his intentions fall nothing short of ridding the world of Jews.

Dr William Pierce has a PhD in Physics. He is head of the National Alliance, an organization, which is dedicated to insuring the world’s return to the control of the superior race; the Aryan race. The National Alliance believes that it their duty to “strive for the advancement of our race in the service of Life, and to be the fittest instruments for that purpose we can be” (General Principles 2). Racially inferior people, especially the Jews, are overcoming the white race and it is every white person’s duty to insure the Aryan race fights them and remains on top. We, as white-blooded Americans, need to fight for our race to ensure its survival, and to make sure we are not influenced by racially inferior people (General Principles 2). We are living in a time when Jews control everything including the press, the newspaper, the Internet, and Disney (Who Rules America 1-4). This must be stopped because Jews are:

morally destructive, socially destructive, even intellectually destructive, but above all racially destructive. Any society, any nation, any people that gives the Jews a free hand to do what they want will be destroyed by them. This is so because it is in the nature of the Jews to destroy everything that is non- Jewish, and because the Jews have a unique faculty for destroying other people’s societies. (Pierce 1)

As you see it is the duty of the white race to stop people, especially Jews, from overtaking our Aryan society.

One way the evil Jews try to overtake the world is by telling their “holocaust story,” over and over again. They want people to feel sorry for them so that people will not question anything they do. All everybody hears anymore is the “huge hullabaloo about the poor, persecuted Jews”(Pierce 1). They do this so that they control the media and the whole world and no one will question them. People believe that the Jews have “suffered so much in the holocaust that they deserve special consideration, and to accuse them of bad motives or wrongdoings is like kicking someone who is down” (Pierce 1). Why does no one question the holocaust? Why do people believe that sense the Jews said it, it automatically happened?  People forget how evil and destructive the Jews really are and it is our duty as the Aryan race to question and destroy the Jews.

To understand and prove the Jews are liars, it is important to look about what they say about the so- called holocaust. First they say that the Jews were innocent and never did anything against the German government. They say they were targeted for no reason and that is the reason they are victims. That is completely wrong. The Jews were communists and they were in overwhelming support for the communism revolution in the Soviet Union (Pierce 3). The German people hated communism and they were in full support for the Hitler’s hatred for the Jews (Pierce 3).

Next they claim there was mass shooting of innocent Jews in eastern front. While there was mass shootings of Jews, they were in no way innocent. They were hostages because they were involved in communist guerilla warfare against the Germans (Pierce 3). They deserved to be shot because they were against the German government. Also it is important to remember that the Jews claim to be the only ones persecuted in the holocaust, but do they not remember that there was many civilian causalities? That during war, people are killed and that is the nature of war? Why should we feel sorry for the Jews, when many other people suffered much worse during the war?

The biggest myth that the Jews tell about the supposal holocaust is the myth about the gas chambers. The Jews claim that the Nazis took them to concentration camps and forced them into gas chambers where they would suffocate to death and then their bodies would be thrown in a burning fire. Well, that is the biggest lie of them all. No one questions that Jews were taken to concentration camps, and some did die there. Yet, there was never such thing as the gas chambers. Jews died from malnutrition and disease and rightfully so (Pierce 3). Hitler and his Nazi party were not out to kill the Jews and,

I knew that the Germans didn’t like Jews, but I also knew that the German Army was the best disciplined army in the world. I knew that they had a better record of behavior in the countries they occupied than any other army in the Second World War-including the U.S. Army. I had until that point believed the stories that the Germans had methodically herded the Jews into gas chambers. But I really doubted that any disciplined army would tolerate its soldiers just killing for sport. (Pierce 3)

On top of the gas chamber story, the Jews have also made up crazy and ridiculous stories about the Nazis smashing babies’ brains out, throwing children off buildings and shooting prisoners like animals (Pierce 3). These stories are made up and used as Jewish propaganda and are showed in movies like “Schindler’s List,” and numerous books (Pierce 3). The holocaust industry is huge and the money-grubbing Jews, sell books and make movies about this myth in order to make the world feel sorry for them, and make a pretty penny, while they’re at it.

If anybody has the nerve to question the holocaust, they are automatically called a holocaust denier. Well first, by denying the holocaust, you are saying there actually was a holocaust (Pierce 2). It is important to note that the number of Jews killed in the holocaust keeps going down, and so there is no reason why someday people will see that hardly any Jews were killed at all during the World War two, and they were definitely not killed in gas chambers (Pierce 2). The Jews are so unfortunately powerful in this world that they have power to limit free speech. Any person in Canada and Europe who question the holocaust, are thrown in jail. Even when a previous guard at a concentration camp says that he was there and there was no gas chamber, no one believes him and he is thrown in jail. Even though he was there and saw what happened, the Jews have the power to lock him up in order to shut him up because they are afraid that the world will find out their great lie (Pierce 2). When Tony Blair was running for prime minister of England he said that when he became prime minister he would make it illegal to question the holocaust (Pierce 2). Even though we and other smart people in this world know that there was no gas chamber, no one can dare to question it outside this country because they will be wrongfully thrown in jail (Pierce 2).

It does not stop outside this county either. The Jews in America are working diligently to erase the first amendment so that “holocaust deniers” can be thrown in jail. Soon there will be no free speech in this country and that is thanks to Jews (Pierce 2). The Jews in America are so petrified that their lie will be found out that they are trying to censor everything possible, and this includes the Internet. The Simon Wiesenthal center screams loudly for censorship on the Internet. They do not want children to learn the truth about the Jews and the so-called holocaust. The center says, “If we don’t censor the Internet, the “holocaust deniers” can come right into your home and contaminate your child’s mind while he’s using his computer to do his homework” (Pierce 2). The Jews are so scared that they will do anything, including ending free speech, to make sure people believe the holocaust myth.

The Jews will not even listen to a rational discussion of the holocaust. When people say that they are not saying no bodies were found, they just want to how many bodies were really found, the Jews say “What difference does it matter how many? If only one Jew were killed for just being a Jew, that’s a terrible crime. That’s a holocaust” (Pierce 2). That is supposed to keep people quiet, but it never has and never will because the holocaust is a made up story and the Jews will only be able to hide their secret for so long (Pierce 2).

William Pierce now says that the holocaust is an “official myth,” and a Jewish hoax. Yet that is not always how he felt. He once believed that the Nazis systematically killed six million Jews by gas and other means (Denial as Anti-Semitism 2). He once embraced the Germans for killing so many Jews and regretted that they could not eliminate all Jewry. Yet he soon learned it would be an excellent political move to endorse holocaust denial (Denial as Anti-Semitism 2). Pierce with his hatred of the Jews realized that if he denied something that society believed as the truth, he could intrigue people into thinking that they have been lied to by none other than the Jews. He then could get people to believe that the Jews control everything in the world and therefore originated the idea of the holocaust. The Anti- Defamation league says that Pierce and other deniers “picture a vast shadow conspiracy that controls and manipulates the institutions of education, culture, the media, and government in order to disseminate a pernicious mythology (Denial as Anti-Semitism 2).  If Pierce paints this picture to Americans then he believes that people will finally realize their wrong thinking and doings and join his organization to promote the Aryan race and eliminate all others.

Pierce in painting his picture of holocaust lies says that Jews were communist and therefore the enemy of the Germany. He claims that Hitler and the Germans were in fear of the communist Jews and therefore had to put them in prison. Looking back in history some Jews might have been involved in the communist revolution, but by no means was every Jew a communist. In history, it has been common when people do not know whom to blame they blame the Jews. This was no different after the communist revolution in Russia. People who were supporters of the Czar were angry and upset after they lost the revolution (The Hoax Spreads 1). The Czar supporters emigrated after the revolution and started to portray the Bolsheviks as Jews. They claimed this was just the beginning of the Jewish plot to take over and enslave the world (The Hoax Spreads 1). After the Russian Revolution “cartoonists began portraying the Bolshevik as a bearded fellow with a Jewish countenance, hiding a bomb behind his back” (Hang the Jew 2).  Soon this was spreading all over Europe and America. In Britain two new correspondents started the rumor that the Jews were trying to take over and enslave Britain. They claimed:

The Jews are carrying it out with steadfast purpose, creating wars and revolution…to destroy the white Gentile race, that the Jews may seize the power

during the resulting chaos and rule with their claimed superior intelligence over the remaining races of the world, as kings over slaves. (The Hoax Spreads 1)

Soon these hateful words were spread to Poland and the Middle East. In America the ideas were spread by Henry Ford in his book “The International Jew: the World’s Foremost Problem.” The book sold a half a million copies and hundreds of thousands of people began to think of it as the truth (The Hoax Spreads 2).

The myth of Jews wanting to take over and enslave the world had reached its way to Germany and Hitler used it to his advantage. He used it to promote anti- Semitic views and justify his anti- Semitic legislation (The Hoax Spreads 3).

The idea of the Jew being a communist and wanting to take over and enslave the world is a myth that Hitler used to his advantage. However Hitler did not simply lock the Jews, he killed them and he killed them by the millions. So while Pierce says the Jews were out against the Germans, he is basing that on a myth and has no true claim to it.

Pierce also claims that the Jews killed on the eastern front were hostages because they had been involved in communist gorilla warfare. The massacre, which occurred in Jozefow, Poland, is a prime example of how the Germans killed the Jews out of pure hatred and not because of communist gorilla warfare. The Jews from the Jozefow ghetto were rounded up in the market square. If any Jew refused or tried to hide they would be shot immediately (Goldhagen 216). The men of police battalion were ordered to evacuate the ghetto and “during the evacuation, the old and the sick as well as infants, and small children, and Jews, who put up resistance, are to be shot on the spot” (Goldhagen 215). Even if one was to give Pierce the benefit of the doubt and say that there was a Jewish communist conspiracy, how could one justify the killing of infants and children?

After the Jews of the Jozefow Ghetto were rounded up in the market square, they were walked one by one, next to their killer, to the woods where they were shot in cold blood. Each member of the police battalion were told to select their victim and then “the Jews and Germans would then walk in parallel single file so that each killer moved in step with his victim, until they reached a clearing for the killing where they would position themselves and await the firing order from their squad leader” (Goldhagen 217).  Most of the people that were killed the day of the Josefow massacre were “elderly, women, and children (Goldhagen 218). Once again the people who were shot were not the most likely to take part in gorilla communist warfare.

While claiming the only reason Jews were slaughtered on the eastern front was because of their communists’ ways, Pierce also claims that no Jew was killed in a gas chamber. As he claims, no disciplined army would kill for sport and therefore the Jews only died of disease and malnutrition in the concentration camps (Pierce 4). Yet at least one million Jews were killed in gas chambers at Auschwitz and according to Duke University “there can be no doubt that the Nazi state systematically put to death millions of Jews, Gypsies and political radicals and other people “ (Denial Denounced as Academic Fraud 1).

By 1941 the Nazi’s realized the mass shooting of Jews was not the most efficient way of elimination. Soon Kriminalkommissar Christian Wirth and Dr Kiallmayer were sent to the east to start the construction the gas chambers (Responses to common Holocaust-Denial claims 3). Starting in November of 1941 mobile gassing vans were set up at Chelmno and Treblinka. 320,000 Chlemno prisoners and 870,000 Treblinka prisoners were killed using this method (Responses to common Holocaust-denial claims 3). By September 1941 gas chambers were set up at 5 camps and the Nazi’s started forcing 700 to 800 Jewish Prisoners to their death at one time. By 1943, at the height of the killings the gas chambers were killing up to 20,000 prisoners a day. At the end of the holocaust 2.5 million to 3 million Jews had lost their lives in the gas chambers (Reponses to common Holocaust- denial claims 3). 

Holocaust deniers jump on the fact that the number on the Auschwitz memorial was changed from 4 million deaths to 1.1 millions deaths in 1991 (Responses to common Holocaust-denial Claims 3). Yet what they conveniently leave out is the fact that experts as early as 1952 claimed that only 1.1 million people were killed in the Auschwitz gas chambers. However no scholar discredits the estimated six million killed during the holocaust. The Polish authorities changed it because of the long accepted fact that 1.1 million Jews had been killed and not because of holocaust revisionism (Responses to common Holocaust-denial claims 3).

William Pierce claims that the Jews who did die at the concentration camps died only from disease and malnutrition. This is a common claim among holocaust deniers. They claim that the crematoriums were built due to the large number of people dieing due to the Typhus epidemic that broke out in 1942 (Zimmerman 3). They claim this is proven by camp records. What deniers also conveniently forget to leave out is that death certificates were only made for registered prisoners at the camp. None were made for the prisoners who were killed upon arrival at the camp (Zimmerman 4). While Typhus was said to be the cause of death among many prisoners, it is not necessarily true. While Typhus can be lethal, it is not always, “Lucie Adelsberger, a Jewish prisoner and camp doctor, got Typhus, was quarantined, and resumed her duties after her recovery” (Zimmerman 5). During the worst of the outbreaks, the nazi’s sent and ordered the vaccinations of all prisoners (Zimmerman 5). Delousing also took place in 1942 and according to Petro Mirchuk prisoner it “eliminated the epidemic and the billions of fleas and lice ceased to exist” (Zimmerman 5). Therefore Typhus was not the main cause of death among prisoners. Yet from August to October of 1942 there was a recorded 21,900 deaths at Auschwitz and that was only for the registered prisoners. It does not account for the deaths of unregistered people (people who were killed upon arrival) (Zimmerman 9).

On April 2, 1945 as Hitler was realizing that he was going to loose the war he said, “National Socialism will earn eternal gratitude for exterminating the Jews in Germany and Central Europe” (Zimmerman 50). If Jews were merely dying from disease and malnutrition then six million of them would not have been killed, and Hitler would not have been rejoicing for at least accomplishing the elimination of European Jewry.  

William Pierce is one of many holocaust deniers. Most deniers hide the fact that they are anti-Semitics, and play it off like they are just concerned with making history as accurate as possible. However, William Pierce is not like that. He has no qualms about proclaiming his self-hatred towards the Jews. By denying the holocaust Pierce has one motive: to set the world against the Jews. He does believe that the Jews and all non-whites need to be erased from the world in order for the Aryan race to be on top.

The question that Americans and people around the world need to ask themselves is what do we do to stop people like William Pierce from preaching their views of hatred to others. How do we stop him from recruiting people as young as eighteen into his organization where they will commit acts of violence against innocent people? In Pierce’s novel, The Turner Diaries, the organization takes over America and kills all Jews and non-whites. It is another holocaust, except this time no one survives and all the Aryans live happily ever after.

Pierce and his followers are trying extremely hard to accomplish the goal set by Pierce in The Turner Diaries. If one of his followers was ever come to power there is a good possibility that he would try to recreate what Hitler already started. What can we as Americans do about that? Pierce, under the first amendment, has the right to say whatever hateful things he wants and no one can stop him. He can preach to children by creating a video game, where the object of the game is to kill the Black, the Mexican, but most of all the Jew. He can lure young adults in by giving them something to belong to, something that they can be proud of. He can lure adults in by telling them that everything that is going wrong in America is due to the Jews and their control of the world.  How do we stop him from doing all of that?

Education seems to be the best way to combat holocaust denial. If people know the truth about it, then it would make it difficult to tell them otherwise. Also people need to know about holocaust deniers and what they say and why they are wrong. Tolerance also needs to be taught at an early age, but that needs to come from the home, as well school.

Yet what do we do about William Pierce? What do we do with a man who wants all non-Aryans killed? What do we do with someone, who preaches views similar to the views Hitler preached? Do we hope that when he dies, the National Alliance will no longer survive? Or do we know the reality, that when he dies, someone just as evil and conniving will take over?  How do we stamp out the possibility that the holocaust could happen again, when in history there have always been people who have hated others, for no apparent reason? 

William Pierce, leader of the racist organization, the National Alliance, proclaims the holocaust as a myth because he wants America and the world to despise the Jews. He claims the Jews were not innocent victims of the holocaust, but rather conspiring communists attempting to take over and enslave the world. He claims that Hitler and his Nazi party were only protecting the German people by shooting the Jews of Eastern Europe. He also claims that no Jew was killed in a gas chamber but rather malnutrition and disease.

Every claim that Pierce makes about the holocaust can be refuted and proven wrong. It has been proven that the Jews were not trying to take over the world with a communist conspiracy, nor were they trying to enslave the world. The Jews killed on the eastern front included elderly, women, and children including infants. There was no way an infant, killed in cold blood could have been involved in communist guerilla warfare.  Yet they were killed stripped of their right to life at too young an age. Massacres of innocent Jews occurred all over Eastern Europe by men who had nothing but hatred in their hearts.

Pierce also claims that Jews in the concentration camps died only from disease and malnutrition. He says that the gas chambers are made-up propaganda by the Jews in order for the world to pity them and to make a profit. Yet million and millions of Jews died in six main concentration camps (which included gas chambers). Testimony by victims proves that vaccinations were given to those who were infected by Typhus. Also death certificates were only made for registered prisoners. People who were killed upon arrival were never registered and records of there deaths were not kept. Also the death certificates were falsified, never saying the true cause of death. The outbreak of Typhus was brought under control, yet millions of people were still killed. The numbers do not add up.  

William Pierce denies the holocaust because he is an avid anti- Semite. His organization has been deemed one of the most dangerous organized hate-groups. He believes that the Jews should be eliminated and until he learned denying the holocaust was a good political move, accepted and embraced the holocaust. He is a dangerous man and his organization is responsible for hate crimes as big as the Oklahoma City bombing. Pierce’s book, The Turner Diaries, promotes the destruction of the American system with the construction of a world ruled by the Aryan race. All other inferior races were condemned to death so that only Aryans would live in the world.   Americans needs not only to fear him, but also figure out a way to combat him and his organization so that something as horrible as the holocaust never happens again.

Works Cited Page

“ADL Reports Cites Neo-Nazi National Alliance As Most Dangerous Hate Group.” Anti-Defamation League 1998. 13 May 2002

“General Principles.” National Alliance. 17 April 2002. http://www.

Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah. “Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. New York: Vintage Books: 1996.

“Hang The Jew, Hang the Jew. ADL in Retrospect 2001. 13 May 2002.

“Historians Respond: Denial Denounced as Academic Fraud” ADL 2001. 17 April 2002.

“Introduction: Denial as Anti-Semitism.” ADL 2001.17 April 2002.

MacDonald, Andrew. The Turner Diaries. New York: Barricade Books, 1978.

“National Alliance Goals.”  National Alliance. 17 April 2002.

Pierce William. “The Significance of the Holocaust.” National Vanguard Books September 2000. 17 April 2002. 009.html.

Pierce, William. “Thoughts on the “holocaust”: The Dishonest Laber “holocaust denier” is Used to Prevent Questioning.” National Vanguard Books 1997. 17 April 2002.

“Reponses to common Holocaust-denial Claims.” ADL 2001. 13 May 2002.

“Requirements for Membership.” National Alliance. 17 April 2002.

ShinBraum, Myrna. “Q&A On The Turner Diaries. ADL 16 May 1996. 13 May 2002.

“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: A Hoax Of Hate: The Hoax Spreads. ADL June 1990. 13 May 2002. Hoax/html.

“Who Rules America.” The National Alliance 2002. 17 April 2002. rules-america/html.

Zimmerman, John C. “Body Disposal At Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust Denial.” 15 October 1999. 13 May 2002.
Http:// .

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