and Operation
the Gas Chambers © | |
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Photo 13: Detail of an aerial photograph of
the main camp taken on 25th August 1944 |
Photo 14: |
Translation of the commentary on
the photograph from "LE MONDE JUIF"
I, 25th August 1944 |
Photographic evidence: in Auschwitz I, we find the other
part of tragedy, those sent "to the right," taking place at Birkenau
(Photo 5). Before the registration building of the main camp, a long
line of prisoners can he seen. It was indisputably the group who
were to escape death in the gas chambers to be condemned to a living
death in an SS labour detachment. There they are, frozen for all
eternity waiting to be tattooed and detailed off for
work. | |
On the aerial photograph, the different parts of the reception
building ("rapid" and "extended" circuits, gas chambers) are
outlined with a solid line. the big laundry with a dotted line.
Presented in the 97th issue of the CDJC ("Le Monde
Juif." January-March 1980. "Auschwitz à vol d'oiseau" ) [A
bird’s eye view of Auschwitz]) the photograph [Photo 14] has been
interpreted incorrectly. The entrance to the reception building for new
arrivals selected as fit for work is located at point "E" (complete
photo). The line of prisoners in the yard is entering at "C" i.e. one
of the entrances to the laundry. The prisoners – already registered –
are most probably waiting to hand in their clothes for washing and receive
clean ones.
This error by the authors, Brugioni and Poirier, shows
the extreme care that must be taken in interpreting the evidence and
demonstrates that a global knowledge (written archives,
photographs, original drawings. present state of the premises, eye-witness
accounts) is almost essential before any explanation can be put forward.
The studies presented – among others – by the
"revisionists" are no exception to this rule, and a lack of respect
for it has led them into serious error. Through establishing certain
precise points – often unknown to the general public – they imagined that
they had been able to disprove the existence of "homicidal" gas chambers
by rejecting any other document negating their thesis and ignoring all the
remaining documentation containing many traces confirming this reality. A
further aggravating circumstance is that once they have accepted something
as fact, this becomes established and irreversible. My own experience has
taught me to be prepared to revise my initial interpretations which were
often inexact and sometimes even quite wrong, because I lacked this
"global view" . There were and are still some Polish historians who
possess this knowledge, but it has never been fully exploited due to
material or intellectual constraints, deliberate or otherwise.
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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