and Operation
the Gas Chambers © | |
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The gas-tight shutters for
the Zyklon-B introduction openings of Krematorien IV and
V |
In 1982. the author found and photographed
in the former coke store of Krematorium I in the Stammlager three
gas-tight shutters from Krematorien IV and V. |
Photo 28:
Presentation of the three shutters, referenced from left to
PMO II - 5 - 64/1
PMO II - 5 - 64/2 PMO II
- 5 - 64/3 |
Photo 31:
Verso of the order of 13th February showing that the
metalworking shop completed its work on24th February and the
woodworking shop on 25th and that the twelve "doors" were ready on
26th. On 28th February, six of them were installed in the western
rooms of Krematorium IV under the designation “gas-tight windows”.
On 2nd March, the place where these “windows” had been fitted was
referred to by a Riedel & Son employee as a “gas
chamber“. |
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AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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