and Operation
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11 |
Document 11:
[PMO photo neg. No. 286] |
Leichenkeller 2 or undressing
room (B') of Krematorium III, under construction, with part of the
damp-proofing applied, east-west view. No direct access stairway "e"
has been provided for. Lower right, the narrow-gauge rails R laid to
transport building materials between ground level and Leichenkeller
2. The photograph probably dates from October or November 1942, as
the basements of the TWO Krematorien were dug and built at the same
time, very early, with respect to the completion of Krematorium III
in June 1943. |
Document 11a |
Document 11a:
[PMO neg. no. 299] |
Leichenkeller 2 (undressing
room) of Krematorium III in December 1942 or January 1943, looking
east-west, as in Photo 11. Dug too early and not completed
because of a lack of damp-proofing material, it was covered with a
temporary roof B’. At “e” we can see part of the west wall, still
with no access stairway. In the foreground, two pillars and their
foundations for the future furnace room A. Right and center is the
completed north wall of the Krematorium. With the building technique
used, the transverse walls were to be built later. |
12 |
Document 12:
[PMO photo neg. no. 287] |
Completion of the furnace
room of Krematorium II in December 1942 or January 1943, looking
east-west. Clearly visible are the rails R descending on a shallow
slope towards Leichenkeller 2. The gradient can be judged by the low
protective walls built in front of the 3-muffle furnaces, which are
not yet fitted with their lateral pulsed-air blowers installed in
late January or early February 1943 |
Document 13 |
Document 13:
[PMO photo neg. no. 290] |
Completion of the furnace
room of Krematorium II in December 1942 or January 1943, looking
west-east and taken on the same day as Photo 12. The rails R
are visible in the bottom right hand
corner. | |
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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