and Operation
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39 |
Document 39: [PMO neg. no, 280]
Photo taken clandestinely by a member of the Sonderkommando in
August 1944. The photographer was long thought to be David
Szmulcwski, now living in Paris, and he was officially designated as
such in Polish publications from 1945 to 1968, about which time the
record was put straight by the Auschwitz Museum. Study on the site
proves that this photograph was taken from the north gas chamber of
Krematorium V (a room symmetrical with room 14 of Krematorium IV on
drawing 2036) along a southeast - northwest line in the direction of
one of the five small cremation pits dug in the north yard of
Krematorium V between the gas chambers and fence 35 of the POW camp,
visible in the background. |
Document 40 |
Document 40 |
Sketch by David Olère, dating
from 1945, showing Hauptscharführer Moll exercising two of his
favorite pastimes: pistol shooting and throwing people alive (or
half alive) into the flames. Filip Müller desribes the scene
perfectly in “Sonderbehandlung” [Special treatment]
(Verlag Steinhausen Gmbh, Munich 1979): |
“[Moll] would then rapidly go through the undressing
room, like a health inspector, looking for a few young naked
women, whom he pushed into the back yard of the crematorium [V] to
an incineration pit. When the poor victims saw that spectacle they
were so horror stricken that they no longer knew what was
happening to them. Lost, glued to the spot. they instinctively
turned their eyes from the fearful sight. Mall, who was carefully
watching their reactions, seemed to take deep pleasure in their
anguish and terror, then he coldly shot them from behind, making
them fall into that awful bubbling pit.” |
Despise the overly academic pose
of the figures, this drawing gives a faithful picture of Krematurium
V on a west-east line, apart from the absence of the coke store on
its left and the fact that the chimneys WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SMOKING,
for the furnace was out of service and the cremation pits had been
dug to compensate for this. The screen of trees on the right of the
Krematorium is still there today. |
41 |
Document 41:
Bauleitung drawing 2036 of 11/1/43
[PMO file BW 30b-30c]23 and neg. nos.
6234 and 20818/10] |
Einäscherungsanlage für das KGL
/ Cremation installation for the POW camp Deckblatt für die
Zeichnung Nr 1678 / Correction sheet for drawing 1678
drawing shows the future Krematorium IV, of which Krematorium V was
a mirror image. |
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AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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