and Operation
the Gas Chambers © | |
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month it was increased to 1000 because of the Hungarian
transports. Moll and his men plunged us into despair and distress
through their behaviour and the way they treated us during the whole
period of the mass cremations of the Hungarian transports. As soon
as contact was established between the camp and the outside world,
we decided to organize an insurrection that would enable us to find
a way to freedom or die in the attempt. The uprising was fixed for
June 1944, but I no longer remember the exact date. However, it
never took place even though everything was ready, to the point that
we had revealed the secret to some people who had previously
suspected nothing. This affair caused us a great deal of trouble,
and when it was discovered there were many victims. The first to be
shot, shortly after the date planned for the beginning of the
insurrection, was our Capo, Kaminski. Then, in order to make it
impossible for us to have any contact with the outside world, we
were transfered to Krematorium IV. Two hundred prisoners from the
Sonderkonnnando installed there were selected and sent to be gassed.
They were gassed in the delousing chamber of Auschwitz “Kanada”, [1]
and were incinerated in Krematorium II by the SS
themselves. |
[Henryk Tauber is here reporting a dubious episode
that he did not personally witness. The fact is that it is most
unlikely that 200 members of the Sonderkommando would allow
themselves to he shut in a gas chamber, even though it appeared
“normal” because it was used for disinfestation purposes. Since it
was fitted, like the homicidal gas chambers, with the same type of
gas-tight door visible at the entrance, it is impossible that 200
men who knew all about the business, who had been opening and
closing such doors for months, would have entered such a room
without staging a revolt. This execution by gassing still remains
to be proved.] |
As our situation was becoming more and more painful, we decided
to escape from the camp, even though we were closely guarded and
rigorously controlled. Once preparations were complete, the revolt
came in September 1944 [Incorrect date, it actually began at noon on
Saturday 7th October 1944, with the burning of Krematorium IV]. It
also spread to Krematorium II. During the revolt in Krematorium IV,
we killed 25 to 30 SS [incorrect figure. Only three SS were killed],
then we scattered. Before fleeing., we set Krematorium IV on fire
and blew it up [the explosion is not certain]. The alarm was given
in the camp, and the SS surrounded all the Krematorien, capturing
virtually all the escaping prisoners. When the insurrection was
over, of the 1000 men of the Sonderkommando, only about 190 remained
alive [of the 212 surviving on 9th October, 14 were arrested and
imprisoned on 10th and 198 were temporarily saved]. We were all
housed first of all in Krematorium III, then some were transfered to
block 11 of Sector BIId [barracks of the punishment commando, a
prison in the men’s camp]. Then, a convoy of 100 prisoners left
there [their intended destination was KL Gross-Rosen. It is not
known what became of them] and a further group of 30 was detailed to
the incineration of corpses at Krematorium V. Sixty remained in
block 11 and worked in the demolition commando (Abbruchkommando)
dismantling Krematorien II and III, which were to be transported to
Gross-Rosen. |
[Project mentioned by the “Unknown
Author” in a note of 26th November 1944. See the text in
Part II Chapter 6 on the ventilation systems of Krematorien II and
III. This is a story that probably grew up among the members of
the Abbruchkommando themselves, and is a pure myth concerning the
installation of gas chambers at KL Gross-Rosen and Mauthausen
using the air extraction equipment of the undressing rooms!]
Later on, the 30 “stokers” of Krematorium V came back to block
11, which housed about 90 Sonderkommando members when the camp was
liquidated. On 18th January 1945, we were assembled, together with
the prisoners from the other Auschwitz blocks and herded in the
direction of the Reich. After about 20 kilometres. I escaped, and so
I was able to save my life. |
I have already mentioned that there were four pathologists
belonging to the Sonderkommando. At first, they lived with us in the
block, but later they installed themselves in the room [23] next to
the coke store [18] of Krematorium II. These doctors carried out
autopsies in a room [11] on the ground floor of Krematorien II and
III, on big stone tables [that of Krematorium III was installed on
17th and 19th April 1943 and polished on 20th, 21st and 23rd by the
firm Josef Kluge of Gleiwitz (file BW 30/34. pages 1 to 5)]. There
they dissected the corpses of prisoners who had died in the
hospital. sometimes those of certain persons shot in the corridor
[3] between the undressing room [2] and the gas chamber [1]. More
often than not, Moll shot them himself. They shot prisoners coming
from the bunkers [cells] of block 11] in the main camp] or from
outside the camp. As soon as prisoners were brought to be shot, an
Unterscharführer [sergeant], whose name I do not know, often came to
the crematorium to cut the meaty parts from the bodies of these
prisoners when they had been shot. The pieces of the body cut off
from the buttocks and thighs were put in boxes and buckets by this
SS man, who took them away in a car. I do not know why he did this.
[This fact, which is not specific to the
“crematorium” environment, is confirmed by an early sketch and
later painting by David Olère, that I deliberately abstain from
presenting here, considering that if was a criminal act practiced
in secret by certain SS, and that there are limits to everything,
even horror.] |
These pathologists had to produce a report on each autopsy,
which was subsequently taken away by an SS doctor.
mid-April 1943, I was transfered to Krematorium IV which had just
come into service [Officially handed over by the Bauleitung to the
SS administration of the camp on 22nd March 1943], the second to
come into service. Then, still in the first half of 1943, came
Krematorium V, |
[which came into service on 4th April 1943, but the
employees of Riedel & Son of Bielitz went on working there
until 17th (file BW 30/28, page 121). the day on which the fitting
of the “Gastüren / gas[-tight] doors”, started the previous day,
was completed by six civilians employed by Huta of Kattowitz.
(file BW 30/36. page 27),] |
and finally Krematorium III [handed over on 25th June 1943].
Krematorium III was identical in construction to II, except for the
internal difference that the trolleys for charging the corpses were
never used there. In the room beside the coke store where, in
Krematorium II, the doctors were housed, in Kr III it was the gold
workers (Goldarbeiter) who poured the gold teeth into
Krematorien IV and V were built on the same
plan [Document 41] and situated symmetrically on either side
of the road [Ringstraße / ring road] running between construction
stage BII and “Mexico” [BIII] in the direction of the new sauna
[Zentral Sauna]. These Krematorien were each fitted with two
four-muffle furnaces. |
[Unit designated on the drawings as “eight-muffle
cremation furnace”, and composed of two four-muffle furnaces built
as a unit. This model was designed at the beginning of December
1941 by Kurt Prüfer, chief engineer of the firm Topf &
Sons, a job that he did at home and in his spare time!
(Staatsarchiv Weimar, Bestand 2/555a, letter of 6th December
1941). According to a Topf letterof 7th July 1943, This type of
furnace had been ordered from Berlin by the Reichsführer-SS on 4th
December 1941 (file BW 30/27, page 24)]. |
The muffles [on drawing 2036, m1 and m2] were in pairs on each
side. One firebox [g] heated two muffles [m1 and m2], which together
made up half of a furnace. Each furnace had its own chimney [c1 and
c2]. The undressing room [9] and the gas chambers [13, 14, 15 and
17] were installed on the ground floor, and the part of the building
where they were located was not so high as the “boiler room” so that
[to an observer outside the building] it had the appearance of an
annex to the crematorium. The boiler room [5] was separated from the
undressing room [9] by a narrow corridor [7, 8] with four internal
doors, allowing passage between the two rooms. The undressing room
[9] was illuminated by four small barred windows giving on the
exterior [in fact, 4 in the northern wall and 4 in the southern, not
appearing on the original drawings, but visible on contemporary
photographs]. Another door [the third] led to a[nother] corridor
[10] whose entrance door [16] opened onto the yard of the
Krematorium. This entrance was flanked by two windows [f and
f']. |
[The “Album d’Auschwitz”, published by
Seuil shows that the lower half of window f, but not f', was
bricked up to head height. This was because of the damage
incurred. The fully clothed victims entered calmly through the
door (16) of the corridor (10) and were directed to the undressing
room (9). Once they were naked, vulnerable and anxious, they were
sent back into the corridor (10) and pushed into the gas chambers
(13, 14, 15 and 17). The sight of the interior of the first one,
with no showers visible, or of its heavy entrance door with the
sealing strips, sometimes caused the victims to recoil, which.
combined wilh the pressure of those arriving from the undressing
room created a crowd of panic-stricken people at this point. Since
the only exit, the entrance door (16) was closed, there only
remained the window f, which suffered
accordingly.] |
Opposite the entrance door [16] in the corridor [10], there was
a door that opened on a room with a window [incorrect: two windows]
which was the kitchen for the SS working in the crematorium [room
designated on drawing 2036 as “Arztzimmer / doctors’ (pathologists)
room”, but it is not known whether the room was in fact ever used by
a doctor], a kitchen where the dishes were prepared by members of
the Sonderkommando. This room was next to that of the Sonderkommando
to prisoners [12]. In Krematorium V, it was in the corresponding
room that the Sonderkommando bootmakers, tailors and carpenters
worked. There were similar workshops in Krematorium II [in the roof
space] where in addition there were heaps of hair shorn from the
gassed people [dried in the roof space above the waste incinerator].
The third door in the corridor [10] led to a corridor [[13] with a
barred window and a door [18] leading to the crematorium
yard. |
[This door of Krematorium IV is visible in the
background and on the right, on photo 189 of the Seuil
“Album d’Auschwitz”, but does not appear on the
original drawings.] |
From this corridor [13], the door on the right gave access to
the first [14] of the gas chambers and that opposite to the smallest
[17] of the chambers, communicating by another door with the biggest
[15]. |
[This arrangement is valid ONLY FOR Krematorium V,
where the traces of the door between 13 and 17 are still visible.
In fact, this complex of rooms, initially planned to have two gas
chainbers (14 and 15) served by a corridor (13 + 17), actually had
three (14, 15 and 13 + 17) and this was the arrangement in both
Krematorien IV and V for a while. Kr V only was subsequently
equipped with four by dividing the corridor (13 + 17) in the
proportion 2/3(13):1/3(17). Henryk Tauber’s description tends to
float between the two Krematorien, since the above sentence
applies to Kr V, whereas he appeared to be talking about Kr IV].
This corridor, and the three following rooms were used as
chambers for gassing people. All had gas-tight doors, and also
windows that had bars on the inside [due to a lack of documents or
testimonies the form of the bars or grid is not known] and were
closed by gas-tight shutters on the outside [see Documents 42,
43, 44 and 45]. |
[The shutters of Kr IV, designated “Gasdichtenfenster
/ gas-tight window”, were installed by civilian employees of
Riedel & Son on Sunday 28th February 1943 in the rooms that
their foreman designated as “Gasskammer / gas chamber” on the
following Tuesday (file BW 30/28. pages 73 and 68). The doors of
Kr V. called “Gastüren / gas doors”, were installed by civilian
employees of Huta on 16th and 17th April 1943 (file BW 30/36, page
27)]. |
These small windows. which could he reached by the hand of a man
standing outside, were used for throwing the contents of cans of
Zyklon-B into the gas chambers full of people [as a rule, the SS
used a short ladder to reach them]. The gas chambers were about 2
meters high and had an electric lighting installation on the walls
[actually SET IN the walls. “Chambers” 14 and 15 each
had 4 “Wand-Lampen versenkt / set-in wall lamps” (file BW 30/43,
page 33), designated on another drawing. 2036, as “kavernischen”
(file BW 30/43, page 6)] |
but they had no ventilation system, which obliged the
Sonderkommando who were removing the bodies to wear gasmasks. The
corpses were | |
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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