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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of October, 1998. During the Summer of 1998, I was able to visit Dachau and tour the former concentration camp during a three week foreign exchange program to Germany. Now, as a Senior in Highschool, the lasting impressions that witnessing this sight had left with me continue to affect me on a daily basis. Never will I forget the catharsis of emotions that I felt while walking on those stone paths throughout the camp and choosing one of those stones to lay down on the mememorial sites. " ... Nie Wieder ..."
This site is an invaluable aid in finding information at different levels about the Holocaust. Keep up the good work.
This is very informative yet very tragic. Anyone who doubt's this happening needs to take a look at themselves and ask "Why"? Thanks for all the information.
I found this page and I am greatly impresses at all the hard work that has gone into it. I practically cry every time I hear something about the Holocaust. None of those people deserved to die, and we, as human beings, did NOT have the right to take away even one life. I will never be able to comprehend the extent of this horrid torture, and I'm sure no one else will either. We are supposed to be civilized human beings, not animals. This may have happened many years ago, but those who lived through it will never forget, and neither should we. I am totally interested in anything to do with the Holocaust. I thank the people that put this site together. It has been a major help with school and with life. Thanks again.
With inly 13 years I was very interested in this page. I got a great del of uinformation As Primo Levi said " If tha world could forget the holocast, then humanity would have to start all over again.
I have a hard time understanding how the whole world could turn a blind eye to this senseless tragedy. I am speechless when I think about the atrocities that occurred. I am a history major and there is not one course that deals directly with the holocaust I wish there was more education on this at the junior/senior level. I di not know if anyone has said this before but I will say it now Although nothing can be done about the [ast, much can be done about the future. Let us try and understand one another and love each other as the bible instructs us to. STOP HATE CRIMES,STOP DISCRIMINATING BECAUSE OF RACE,CREED AND RELIGION!!!
I am looking for survivors or liberators of a train in Magdeburg April 13,1945. The train originated in Bergen-Belsen. My neighbor was a 10 yr old girl at the time and would like to make contact paricularly with one of the liberators.
As an educator in the Methodist church, I am interested in the lack of support/help/outrage from the mainline American denominations during the Holocaust. Denial, it seems, is the easiest means to avoid taking a stand against evil. I assure you that the Shoah will be remembered by this church and that in the future we will be quick to react to anti-Semitism
hi In originaly from Germany and i never learned all about WWII until I started school here in the US. then one year I went back to visit my family and I is asked them to bring me to Dachau's concentration camp. They were quite shocked but they brought me. I learned a lot from it and I'm glad to find something like this on the web to help ohter people learn.
I can't believe that in our world there are people so cruel as to think any of God's children are beneath them and they should die. The Jews were people also and children of God just like you and me.
I feel that the Jews had the worst life, and I feel that the germans have no right to repeat history like they are now in germany.
I found this site to be very helpful. Also I think the horror of the Holocaust should never be forgotten!
I have gotten so much new information at this site. It has really kept my intrest.
You have an informative page that is history itself. It is apparent that you have exerted great effort in its creation. It is always critical to present a balanced and non-political record of history. Onkel_Ken Webmeister WD9GNG's German / American Homepage http://www.angelfire.com/il/wd9gng/ Tour beautiful German castles! Learn wonderful German Folksongs! Visit the Black Forest! Look up your German genealogy roots! Listen to Oktoberfest music! Experience German/Swiss/Austrian wonders!
some of the photographs were just to much. i found myself in tears wondering how it could happen? one day i will see the compleated history of that allful period. thank you for good work that you are doing.
Thankyou for displaying this information. Please continue to raise awareness regarding the Holocaust. L.R.
I teach a unit on the Holocaust in my sixth grade classroom. We read books in Reading class and study about it in Social Studies I also have a survivor, Mr.Walter Peltz, come speak to my class and also any parents that like to hear about the Holocaust. He is coming to my school on Oct. 28th. Thanks for this sight. My class enjoyed it and gave much more insight than I could ever give them.
Not much to say, anything I may say would be shallow as I wasn't there but I have seen the films and listened to the stories. I have also visited the museum in Washington DC, an experience that left me in awe of how one human being could do such things to another. Please maintain this site, let no one ever forget. I am a christian, but how can I forgive. Roger Howard
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The older I get the more I realize the impact the Holocaust has had on my life. While I did not lose relatives I know of, I feel a dimishment of my jewish life.
I believe that
This is an awesome site for anyone who needs info on the Holocaust, whether its for a school project or anything else!
I am beginning to understand why the Nazis hated the Jews due to recent developments. As backgrounder, it must be noted that the Jews did not suffer from the hands of Nazi Germany alone, but ancient history tells of the persecution the Jews underwent under the hands of the Egyptians as told in the Holy Bible. I believe that the ordinary Jews are not to be blamed for the injustice of Egyptian and German persecutions. Only the handful of Jewish elite who, like what they are now doing with the US economy, politics, and control of the print and TV media, are trying to rule the world overtly. Why do we see the proliferation of neo Nazis in US soil and even ordinary Caucasian and Black Americans are growing in number in their hatred against Jewish Americans? Look around you and find out how many non-Jewish Americans are employed in senior positions in Disneyland, ABCTV, PBS, etc.? Who are the people trying to destroy the Office of the President of the US--Goldberg, Tripp, Lewinsky, ABCTV, Donaldson, and others of Jewish persuasion! What about Netanyahu throwing monkey wrenches on the Oslo Peace Accord brokered by the US? If one looks at the totality of these developments, one will better see a clearer picture of why Jews are hated all around the world. I am sorry for them. It appears that there is a divine curse on this ethnic group. Their persecution does not appear to be over and we may yet see another persecution within our lifetime.
You have a good site. I enjoyed the info. We must never forget. I am friends with a man who was with the U.S. Army and came into Auschwitz. He heard the stories first hand from survivors. It really did happen!
This is cool
great site. i learned a lot. more people should read up on this
In every school, in every country at the age of 14, every child should complete a module on the history of the holocaust. A half century later, human kind has not learned it's lesson, and we need only think of Rwanda, Kosovo and Bosnia, to name but a few examples of where genocide takes place. Even countries like America and Britain carried out war crimes, and all war criminals should be brought to justice. There can never be one law for the winners and one for the losers, for in that grey area there will always be butchers masquerading as redeemers. This site was excellent, and as a history graduate, I found it most informative.
This is a really well thought out page. I didn't use the information in any sort of projects or anything, I just enjoyed reading the different essays. Very Good
this web-site is brilliant, thanks to the info I have been able to complete my project on the final solution. Anyone who knows of anywhere else I can find info on the final solution can e-mail me on Toftman @yahoo.com. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I really thought that this web site was alot of help but I am writting a very long paper on medical expieramentation in the concentration camps. I could really use some more information on that subject. Especially if you know of any positive medical realizations that came out of these medical expieraments. I need some primary and secondary recources, anything helps. thank you so much!
I found some of the information very disturbing. I think that the web site is excellent. It helped me greatly with my History essay. I think that this information should be highlighted to more and more people so that they realise what exactly went on and to ensure that it does not happen again.
I visited Dachau just before my senior year in high school while on a trip with my school's exchange program. That was back in 1993 and the thoughts are still in my head. It was a sad afternoon. I did take pictures, though I wish now that I hadn't. I came across this sight while trying to find some information that I will be able to use for a research paper for my composition class. We have to have at least 15 sources, so I am looking for any help. The entire era is so troubling. It is so hard to believe that our creater would allow this to happen. It is great though that people are still remembering the hard-ships that these people had to go through. I don't feel we are being disrespectful in any way, but we are trying to learn from past mistakes so that hopefully history will not repeat itself. When we were there, we had a German along with us, and he explained that the creamatorim(spelling) was never used at this particular camp. Wether that is true or not, we can't forget that millions were killed because of their religion, they sexual prefernce, maybe they were physically or mentally handicapped. So if you ever have a chance to speak with Germans, please keep in mind that they may not be totally aware of the complete story. Take care and please don't let this ever happen in "OUR" world.
It saddens me to visit these pages, but perhaps one does it as a prayer in silent homage to countless victims than as morbid curiosity.
I found this site for my grandson who is working on an assignment in his class. This has been a major help for him. This sad part of history should be never be forgotten. If we do then we will have forgotten God's chosen people . Their sacrifice should remain a hallowed memory forever. Thank you for the work that has been done to preserve this history.
I was wondering if you could help me with some research. The statement is.... "Hitler was totally to blame and solely responsible for the atrocities committed by nazi regime." Could you please send me some info!!!!!! PPLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
I think that the information at this site is very good. I am doing a research paper on the holocaust for an english class, and this info has been very helpful. It is good to raise awareness of the fact that the holocaust really happened. It is extremely important that people know what happened so that they can work to ensure that history does not repeat itself.
Your web site is wonderful. I'm writing a research paper on Josef Mengele and your site was very helpful.
hi, my name is john. i am an 8th grader in tucson. I need help on a year long assignment. I need to find info on the holocaust. If there are any holocaust survivors that can give me info , please write back.thank you for your time. -john
This page is an excellent resource for National Socialists. The Jewish people is creating a large bill which it will someday be forced to pay. God bless Germany and the Western World.
As a loyal American and a God loving man I would like to see the Jewish people get back more of the things that were stolen from them by the nazis and the greedy swiss bankers that helped the nazis and still have the art and money that belongs to these great and long suffering people.Thank you for your kindness and love of mankind
this is a nice web sight. i think children should learn about the holcaust so that it similar events wont happen in the future.
This really helped us with our school assignment. It really made us understand the horrifying things people went through.
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Thanks for providing such detailed information on a tragic event we must never forget.
It is important that all know what happened, and even more important that such a thing never happens again. On visitng Germany this year, we went to Dachau, and spoke to a surviour - this has left a lasting impression on both myself & my husband. He visits the site every day - we still think of him now months after - so tragic - that he is unable to forget, continue with his life - that he and his memories are in stasis, - we only hope that he finds peace, and that the world never again sees, allows such a thing to happen.
In 1983 I was stationed with the Army in Germany. Living on the economy I met some very nice Germans. We lived in an area where there were no other Americans living, and became quite popular. After several months we had the opportunity to meet our downstairs neighbor who was an elderly, crippled woman. One day she confided to me that she was a survivor of Dachau and told me that along with the wonderful volksmarches and castles, I would not fully understand German history and culture unless I visited Dachau. The author does a fine job of relating the facts, but does no justice to the emotions Dachau instills in us, even today. I went there unprepared for the shock I was to receive not only to my emotions, but also to my senses. There were no signs outside the concentration camp even mentioning the camp's existence until you arrived (for awhile I thought I was lost) I sat enjoying the beautiful rosebeds, until I read the sign advising me that the wall behind these luxurious flowers happened to be where prisoners were lined up and shot. I have never experienced the smell of burnt flesh, but in the crematorium I got a whiff of this pungently unpleasant odor. My six month old infant whined like a puppy the entire time we were within the camp walls, although before and after our visit she seemed in a good mood. Its been over 15 years since my visit to Dachau, but the sights and smells of the place are still with me. My neighbor was right, I loved the German countryside and the people, but my visit would have been incomplete without experiencing Dachau first hand. It proves the horrors, that not just Nazis or Germans, but that mankind perpetrates against himself.
Wow! Your site provided me with tons of information that you taught me about! Thanks a ton! Keep up the GREAT work!!!
I would really lile to thank you guys for this site, it has helped me greatly in my schooling and I can only hope it dose the same for others as it has for me!
I am a counselor for youth who are at risk. The children that I work with have criminal records. The one thing that I want them to learn if nothing else is to have empathy. I asked my group what the holocaust was and one student thought it was a jewish holiday. I found your web site while trying to get correct information. I am trying to teach them to be individuals and I think it is important that they know about the holocaust. I showed them a film that I got from the show Frontline years ago. It was when the allies found the camps and filmed them. My hard core students were shocked.We have to make sure our youth know and never forget.
ALL JEWS SHOULD DIE A SLOW DEATH. Hitler lives!. Holocaust will return. Nazis rule!
could you please send me some info on some actual dialog between a nazi and a jew after the war was over i have a project and i need some help
It is fascinating to know more about the holucaust.
Thank you for reminding people that there was such a horrible thing. When I was in third grade (small town, small school) our library was made of shelves in the hallway and the books were mostly donated. I picked out a book to read with the most graphic black and white photographs I could ever have imagined. I knew then what the Germans had done and for years I was ashamed of my German heritage (my ancestors came here in the 1760's much too late to have been a part of this atrocity) but I didn't understand or know that then. I found out when my daughter was in junior high that there were actually people who didn't believe and I became physically ill. Never let it rest -- never let it happen again...
Have visited both Bergen-Belsen and Dachau..I KNOW they happened, and we NEED to remember.
I discovered your website after running into a Holocaust-denier on the New York Times Forum. I learned about the Holocaust when I was in grade school -- however, because my teacher knew less about it than my mother, this woman recommended that I read "Mein Kampf." I was 12. I later took independent study in the Holocaust in college and I even met people who survived that horrible time. However, I always felt somewhat at a loss for words when confronted by Holocaust revisionists. While some of their contentions I could challenge, it bothered me that I didn't have answers to some of the nonsense they spread. All I certain of was that they were nursing an agenda and spreading lies. Your analysis, "What Revisionism Isn't" effectively analyzed for me these people's arguements. I believe your site and references are beneficial to truth and history, especially in light of people like this.
This internet site was a very interesting site to see. I came here because I am doing a report on the Holocaust and Anne Frank
I think that this is a great web page. Though I believe that the Holocaust should have never happened. I also think that it should never be forgotten.
This page was very good!
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Last modified: January 8, 1999