Mireille (4), and
Henri (1); Rosine Chicheportiche (36) and
children Guy (7), Reine (5), and Francine (3); Fanny Eskenazi (36) and children
Naftali (13), Gisèle (8), and Roger (2 months); Rifka Jungermann with
Daniel (5), Arlette (5), and Charlotte (3); Marie Kaddouche and children Julie
(9), Alphonse (4), and Joseph (3); Pessa Klajn (36) and her six children, Sarah
(14), Victor (13), Max (10), Jacques (10), Icek (6), and Joseph (5);
Fortunée Tordjman (29) and
children Louise (7), Jacques (5), and René (8 months); Szyfra Wajcenzang
(42) and her five children, Jeanne (15), Henri (14), Charles (11), Joseph (5),
and infant Paul (1 month); and Jacqueline (15), Monique (9), and Claudette (6)
Wajsbrott. Also on the list: Michèle Nathan (5 months) and Robert Picard
Convoy 62, November 20, 1943
Convoy 62 deported 152 children, 78 boys and 74 girls.
Most of the children were taken in roundups in the countryside throughout
France. About 30 were from the Côte d'Azur, caught by Brunner's special
commando unit. Among those in convoy 62: Paul Cerf (42), his wife Jeanne (40),
and their three children, Claude (10), Marthe (5), and Charles (3); Sarah
Lambert (41) and her three children,
Gérard (17), Francine (14), and Jean-Pierre (8); Lydia Hassan and
Arlette Katz, both only 1 year old; Via Abrahams (23) and her two children,
Isidore (2) and Alexandre (2 months); another 2-month old infant, Jean-Michel
Levi; Julie Ouzillou (38) and her six children, Maxime (19), Nelly (18),
Maurice (10), Roger (7), Jean (5), and Isidore (3); the seven
Schneck children deported without their
parents, Klara (16), Maurice (14), Marie (12), twins Suzanne and Teti (9),
Albert (4), and Shirley (2); and Bernard (51) and Paula Weichselbaum and their
five children, Abraham (21), Lya (18), Susi (17), Erik (19), and Friedel (1);
and so many others
64, December 7, 1943 (Drancy)
[This convoy is numbered 64
because of a Gestapo mix-up in the files with the convoy of December 17, which
is numbered 63. The original numbering is maintained here.]
64 deported 156 children, 79 boys and 77 girls. As with those deported on
convoy 62, most had been arrested in the countryside. Almost half were brought
from a gathering point in the Côte d'Azur: they had fled
St.-Martin-de-Vésubie, on the French side of the border with Italy, into
Italy, only to be caught by Germans newly occupying the Italian towns.
Convoy 64 included Chaja Weisenfeld (30) and her month-old twins,
Fernande and Jeanine; the three Gutwirth sisters, Fanny (20), Schewa (17), and
Malka (15), and with them Dora Haimowitch (91); five Berenstam children,
Suzanne (22), Maurice (20), Frida (18), Henri (12), and Jeanne (10); four
Darmon children, Jacqueline (12), Paulette (9), Gilberte (6), and José
(5); Georges (14), Marie (11), and Pierre (5) Deutsch; four Erdberg children,
Bernard (11), Estelle (9), Thérèse (5), and Victor (3); Tauba
Fischer (35) and her four children, Anna (12), Rosa (5), Chil (2), and an
8-month-old baby; and three Itic children, Léa (20), Suzanne (17), and
Paulette (16).
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