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The Holocaust History Project.


by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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authorities still did not know whether the “work” had been done. On the 21, it was thought to have been completed, and on the 23, Leclerc’s Second Division suddenly overran Strasbourg. Since Hirt had lied, since his superior, SS Colonel Sievers, General Secretary of the Ahnenerbe, had also lied, and since everyone insisted that they had carried out orders which in fact were not executed in the debacle, as a result 16 or 17 bodies were indeed found intact in the cellars of the Institute of Anatomy, with an Auschwitz identification number still visible on the left forearm in some cases (3). In other cases, the number was removed in order to prevent identification of the victim’s origins, as can be seen on the photographs of forearms.

They were all photographed by the legal identification branch. In an ordinary school of medicine, such bodies would just be part of the “décor”. In Strasbourg, the corpses left over from Professor Hirt’s racial studies had been the subject of too much bureaucracy and had been seen by too many witnesses not belonging to the SS. They were not “normal”. They pointed and they still point a finger at a totalitarian regime that laid its foundations on a bed of racial inequality.

One might well wonder why Hirt’s collection was never completed in practice. Was it a “whim” on his part, quickly forgotten after having cost 87 Jewish women and men their lives for nothing, or did he simply not dare, given the worsening military situation, to finish realizing his project? Hirt could have told us, but he preferred to disappear (4).

These 87 purposeless murders are a perfect example of what can come from the contempt of a group of men for other “different” ones, and of the danger of a society in which too much power is concentrated in the hands of too few. The expression “Die Macht ohne Moral”, or “Power without Morality” is a fitting close to this short study.

 J-C P.


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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