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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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Obersturmbannführer Dr. Brandt, of the personal staff of SS-Reichsführer Himmler, who unceasingly gave his entire support to Professor Hirt's proposal, quoted in document NO-085 of the 9 February 7942 (Brandt to Sievers, 27 February 1942, NO-090; Himmler directive to the Ahnenerbe, 7 July 1942, NO-422; Brandt to Eichmann, 6 November 1942, NO-089). Sievers and Brandt were found guilty of this charge of murdering Jews, for the constitution of a skeleton collection at Strasbourg, by the Allied Military Tribunal in Nuremberg and were hanged. For his complicity in the murder, Beger was sentenced in 1971 to 3 years imprisonment by the Frankfurt Criminal Court.

(2) See, in particular, the Beger trial depositions of:

— Otto Bong, who was Professor Hirt’s specimen preparer. In his deposition of the 10 January 1963, Bong (born in 1901) gives detailed descriptions of the arrival of the bodies, of the treatment he subjected them to, of Prof essor Hirt’s prohibition, laced with threats, against talking about these corpses, and of the attempt to destroy all the corpses before the Allies entered Strasbourg.

— Liselotte Seepe, who was Professor Hirt’s secretary. In her deposition of the 10 January 1963, Seepe (born in 1907) admits to having deliberately destroyed all files relating to Professor Hirt’s secret affairs; in particular, she destroyed the files of the skeleton collection, which must have contained measurements, photographs, reports of organ examinations, and perhaps the 26 head casts taken at Auschwitz as well

— Professor Doctor Anton Kiesselbach, Professor Hirt’s assistant in Strasbourg, who saw the bodies and who admits that they were spoken of at the University of Strasbourg in hushed and sombre tones.

— Elisabeth Schmitt, medical laboratory assistant. In her deposition of the 10 April 1963, Schmitt (born in 1922) admits to having worked on the corpses of the collection.

— Robert Nitsch, deposition of the 23 August 1962.

— René Wagner, deposition of the 17 November 1946 made to French Military Justice.


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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