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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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(3) It was possible to identify only the prisoner bearing Auschwitz no. 107969, who is shown here in photograph no. 52. The calendar of events occurring at Auschwitz, as reproduced in the“Zeszyty Oswiecimskie” (“Oswiecim Papers" no. 4, 1960, p 84), informs us that a convoy of Jews arrived at the camp from Berlin on the 13 March 1943. Of the 620 women and children in the convoy, 147 women were selected for labour, while the rest were gassed immediately. Of the 344 men, 218 were selected for labour and identified by the numbers 107772 to 107989. We subsequently found out from a letter contained in the Beger trial records, addressed by the international Camps Committee to the Court President on the 1 January 1971, that the deportee in question was called Menachem Taffel, that he was born on 28 July 1900, and that he lived in Berlin at 9 Elsasserstrasse.

(4) Professor Doctor August Hirt, born on 29 April 1898 ín Mannheim of Swiss parents. Medical doctor at the age of 24 after having studied at the University of Heidelberg. At the age of 40, he became Director of the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Frankfurt. Member of the SS from the 16 October 1933 (no. 100414), and of the Nazi Party from the 1 May 1937 (no. 4012784). Director of the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Strasbourg upon its re-opening in 1941. After having lost his wife and son in a September 1941 bombing, and having tried to exculpate himself, in a deposition of the 25 January 1945 made at Tübingen, from charges brought against him upon the liberation of Strasbourg and Struthof, Hirt chose to kill himself on the 2 June 1945 with a revolver bullet in the heart.

Doctor Bruno Beger, born on 27 April 1911 in Frankfurt, son of an officier. Post-secondary studies in anthropology at the universities of Jena, Heidelberg and Berlin. Dissertation in 1940 under the supervision of Professor Hans Gunther, a racist theoretician. Joined the SS in 1934 and the Nazi Party in 1937. Participated as an anthropologist in a 1938 German expedition, patronized by Himmler, to Tibet. SS-Hauptsturmführer at the time of his mission to Auschwitz.

Doctor Hans Fleischhacker, born on 10 March 1912 in Töttleben. Post-secondary studies at the universities of Jena and Munich. Appointed to the Institute of Racial Research in Tübingen in 1937, when he also joined the SS. Nazi Party member as of 1940, and appointed to the SS Central Bureau for Race and Settlements.



By Jean-Claude Pressac

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