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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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Following an interpellation: I do not know the nationality of the prisoners I asphyxiated. I think they came from South-East Europe, but I cannot specify the country.

(We show the witness the album of photographs containing views of the gas chamber.)

The witness: I recognize on these photographs the Struthof gas chamber that was built [in fact, adapted] towards the middle of 1943, for the purpose of asphyxiating the prisoners to be handed over to Professor Hirt.

Following an interpellation: The gas chamber was transformed by prisoners on my orders. It had been built some time earlier as a cold store. [This answer has been consistently omitted from subsequent historical studies of Struthof.]

Following an interpellation: To my knowledge, apart from the 80 prisoners brought from Auschwitz and asphyxiated in this chamber, no-one else was killed under the same conditions.

Following an interpellation: To my knowledge, no phial of asphyxiating gas was ever thrown into the gas chamber for the purpose of asphyxiating prisoners.

I do not know what purpose was served by the iron pipe fitted into the gas chamber’s entrance door. [See details A and B on the two photographs of the entrance door indicating the “gas admission pipe”. This conduit was not used to lead gas in, but rather for sampling. Installed after the criminal gassings, this pipe served, during the 15 experiments conducted by Professors Bickenbach and Hirt on prisoner subjects, some protected by urotropine and some not, to measure the phosgene concentration remaining in the gas chamber, in order to determine the Cmt, or concentration absorbed in milligrams multiplied by the inhalation duration in minutes per m³. A flexible tube connected the pipe to a complicated apparatus which measured the phosgene concentration by potentiometry.]

Following an interpellation: I admit that a large percentage of French prisoners died in the camp. In my opinion, they were intellectuals who could not withstand the hard labour imposed on them in the camp.

Following an interpellation: It is true that prisoners were shot in the sand-pit, located above the entrance to the camp, by SS-men under my command.


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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