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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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Following an interpellation: Hirt came to visit the Struthof camp perhaps twice and Hagen once.

Professor Bickenbach came to Struthof on several occasions to confer with Krieger or Blancke, the camp doctors. I do not know whether he con-ducted any experiments, but he did tell me one day that he had been ordered to conduct experiments on prisoners, without specifying their nature, and that in any event he was sworn to secrecy by SS Headquarters.

One day, on the occasion of a general inspection of the camp, I discovered ten prisoners in an infirmary with bandages on their arms. I was told that these prisoners had been subjected to experiments by Bickenbach. When I asked what these experiments involved, he refused to give me any explanations. [J. Kramer is mixed up. Liquid mustard gas was applied to prisoners’ arms by Professor Hirt and Doctor Wimmer of the Luftwaffe. Bickenbach did not participate in this project.]

Ido not know how many deaths occurred in the camp while I was there. I admit that the food was inadequate and the climate very severe, and that, moreover, the labour imposed on the prisoners was very hard.

Following an interpellation: To my knowledge, the professors of Strasbourg did not go to the gas chamber. I do not think that any experiments involving gas were conducted by doctors in the gas chamber. I never had any knowledge of phials containing gas being thrown into the chamber for the purpose of experimentation with prisoners. [J. Kramer is misinformed. Fifteen groups consisting of 2 or 4 prisoners, divided into protected subjects and controls, were subjected to phosgene effects in the gas chamber. Each group were in with a phial of phosgene, containing a known quantity of gas that was different for each experiment, which had to be crushed by foot against the ground, on a signal by Professor Bickenbach from the outside.]

Question: Just a while ago, you told me about the conditions under which you executed prisoners by means of asphyxiating gases. If the prisoners had not been killed as a result of your introducing [releasing] gases in the chamber, would you have finished them off with a bullet? [A senseless question. The prisoners were deliberately killed by gas in order not to damage their skeletons by the impact of bullets.]


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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