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The Holocaust History Project.


by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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19. (cont.) [The identification stone bore the dead prisoner’s number and was placed in his mouth before incineration. Being fire-proof, it was then placed in the urn with the late prisoner’s ashes and proved his identity (explanation given by Mrs. Elizabeth Pastwa, keeper of records with the Musée de la résistance et de la déportation in Besançon).]
20.  Pile of 29 kg of hair shaved off internees for the manufacture of felt. 
21.  Location of the first crematorium. 
  III. The Struthof Gas Chamber  
22.  The building which would contain the gas chamber shown before the war.
[lt contained a restaurant that served inexpensive meals to skiers. View of the north and west façades. The west entrance door and the ventilation chimney did nor exist.
23.  View of the same innocent-looking cottage.
[West and south façades at the time of liberation.]  
24.  Plan of the gas chamber.
[This photograph of rather poor quality is all that remains of the gas chamber plan drawn up at liberation. The original tracing has not been found in the Struthof Trial records. A protective housing attached to the outside over the funnel seems to have been installed, although it is slightly “obliterated” on the plan.]  
25.  Interior view of the Gas Chamber, showing the walls covered by white tiling, with: a) Electric ceiling-light. b) Observation peep-hole. c) Hole in the wall that could have been used to pass through a tube or a lever. d) Electric plug. e) Square excavation of undetermined application.
[Note the lack of precision in these legends, even though the witnesses and defendants described the fixtures perfectly.
26.  Interior view showing location of the water run-off grill (g). 
27. Another interior view showing grill over opening of gas exhaust conduit (g). 
28.  View of the door. Interior side covered with enameled metal sheet and fitted with a gas admission pipe (a).
[Pipe (a) is a gas sampling aperture used in the experiments with phosgene.]  


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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