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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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29.  Exterior view of the door with 3 bolts (the one in the middle has a locking-screw). Threaded end of gas admission pipe (b).
[Not correct – (b) is the sampling pipe.]  
30. Exterior view of the peep-hole (r). Hole that was used to pass through a metal pipe or rod (t).
[Up until 1980, the Struthof Museum had lost track of the funnel-tap-pipe system, which had been removed in 1945 for toxicological analyses, which seem to have yielded negative results.
31.  Funnel with tap preserved at the Citadelle in Besancon Photograph provided by the Musée de la résistance et de la déportation.
[Josef Kramer used it to pour water into the gas chamber; then coming into contact with “salts” placed in the basin in advance, the water triggered a release of gaseous prussic acid (second deposition of the 6 December 1945). This procedure allowed him to asphyxiate 86 people on several (4 or 5) occasions. One can well understand why the toxicological examination for cyanides did not yield any positive results.]  
32.  Schematic reconstitution and positioning of the funnel and tap in the gas chamber.
Drawn up by Jean-Claude Pressac. 
33.  View of exterior chimney surrounded by bluish marbling characteristic of its application. Iron panel for closing the chimney.
[It is impossible for 4 or 5 brief releases of hydrocyanic acid in the gas chamber to have left such bluish traces. Similar traces are found only on the walls of disinfection gas chambers, where hydrocyanic acid remained in contact with clothing for 12 or 24 hours.
34.  View of ventilator fitted into the wall, at the base of the exterior chimney.
[Type 4 B 50 brand NVM ventilator, speed of rotation - 1,400 revolutions per minute, number 342322, 50 periods, 1 ampere.]  
  IV. Copies of Several German Documents Seized at Struthof  
35.  Bautagebuch für den Neubau: Konzentrationslager in Natzweiler, Elsass vom: 20.5.1943 bis: 28.8.1943.
[Record of construction for new buildings at the concentration camp of Natzweiler, Alsace, from the 20 May to the 28 August 1943.]  
36.   Tagebericht über den Baubetrieb.
[Daily report of construction progress.]
1/10 hours. Masonry work, gas chamber.   


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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