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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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36. (cont.) [1/mason: 10 (h). Administr.: Struthof - Work on gas chamber [“Gasraum”] (a-a no. 187).]
2/5 hours. Work by roofer, gas chamber, extension of air outlet pipe.
[2/roofer 5 (h). Administr.: Struthof - gas chamber [“Gaskammer”]: extend the exhaust pipe, install an attachment ring (a-a no. 187.]
3/Painting work in the gas chamber.
40 jours of masonry work in the gas chamber.
[3/Labour: painter: 60 (h). Administr.: Work in the administration building (a-a no. 137) and the gas chamber [“Gasraum”]
Labour: mason: 40 (h). Administr.: Struthof - Work on gas chamber [“Gasraum”] (a-a no. 187).]
[The report is signed by the Chief of Natzweiler Bauleitung, SS Second Lieutenant Heider and dated the 3.8.1943 by his hand.]
37.  Weekly report of the 14 August 1943. 
38.  Weekly report of the 21 August 1943.
Weekly reports bearing the signature of Commandant Kramer Joseph (weeks of the 7-14 and the 14-21 August 1943) mention the departure by death (sic) of 30 + 57 = 87 Jews (column 3). Compare with the arrival during the same period, at the Institute of Anatomy in Strasbourg (Prof. Hirt), of 86 corpses of Jewish subjects, including 30 women. These subjects were assassinated in a gas chamber (Experts’ Report).
[The difference between 87 and 86 is explained by the pistol shot murder of one victim who resisted. The “spoiled" body was no [longer “suitable” for the Institute, where the civilian staff might have been a bit too curious about the origins of a blood-covered corpse mixed in with the others.
39.  Partial photograph of the reverse of the previous document.
(Weekly report of the 21 August 1943), bearing the following remarks: By order of Supreme Chief of the SS and Chief of German Police (Himmler), the persons listed under Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 were hung and the persons listed under Paragraph 2, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 were shot. (These were 7 Russian civilian labourers.)
[The reverse sides of reports give the causes, whatever they may have been, of deaths (mostly attributed to often fictitious “illnesses”, to firing squads and to hangings).
The reverse of the report of the 21st, which is unfortunately incomplete, on 69 “Todesfälle”, provides causes of death for only 12 cases and remains silent about the 57 Jews.
Similarly, in the preceding report of the 14th, 7 deaths are explained


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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