The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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In his important public speeches, Hitler announced
and, from 1942 to 1943, confirmed the destruction (Vernichtung, Ausrottung) of
the Jews. But the exposé of Heydrich at the Conference of Wannsee
indicated that the launching of the massacre came in practice from Himmler or
Heydrich. In fact, Heydrich did not speak of an initiative, but of the
agreement given by Hitler for "the deportations to the East." Let us repeat
once again what seems to us to be the position of Hitler. He expressed publicly
and with violence the will that the role of the Jews in European society be
radically liquidated. Himmler and Heydrich gave the orders which fulfilled
Hitler's will, no matter what the atrocity of the conditions necessary to the
rapid accomplishment of this resolution. The operation being accomplished,
Hitler adopted it in all its atrocity.
Himmler in the autumn of 1942
referred to the will of Hitler to accomplish to the very limit the liquidation
of the Jews in Poland. It was a question of the skilled labour temporarily
conserved while waiting for a valid Polish labour force to be formed to replace
the Jewsih [sic]. Himmler ended as follows his note of October 9, 1942 on the
subject (NO-1611), a note addressed to Pohl, Chief of the Administrative and
Economic Department of the SS, to Kruger, representing the power of Himmler in
the General Government, to Globocnik, responsible for the "final solution"
there, to the RSHA and to Wolff, chief of the personal staff of the
Reichsführer-SS (129):
"We shall have to force ourselves to
replace this Jewish labour by the Poles and to englobe [sic] the greater part
of these Jewish concentrationary enterprises in the East of the General
Government. However, in the latter, too, the Jews must one day disappear in
conformity with the will of the Führer (entsprechend dem Wunsche des
Führers)." Thus Himmler did not fail to found his
instructions on the will of the Führer. But he took care to evoke the
Order of the Führer under the form of a "will."
10. The "Final
Solution," "Page of Glory" which will have neither to be Written nor to be
Himmler noted on June 19, 1943, after having made his
"report to the Fuhrer at the Obersalzberg": (130) "Following my report on the Jewish question, the
Führer declared that the evacuation of the Jews must be executed in a
radical manner and conducted to the very limit (durchgestanden) in spite of the
unrest (Unruhe) that it will provoke for another three or four months." This
meant that Hitler approved the propositions of Himmler. Here is how Himmler
presented the "final solution" in his speech of October 6, 1943, at Poznan,
before the Reichsleiter and the Gauleiter of the Party
"I ask you only to listen to what I say in
this circle, but really not to speak of it. The question was raised to us: What
is to be done with the women and children? I took the decision to find in this
case, too, a perfectly clear solution. That is that I did not consider myself
authorized to exterminate
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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