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     International Military Tribunal
"Blue Series," Vol. 4, p. 255
The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust History Project.
 2 Jan. 46

he gave me a document, which stated that the Jewish employees of Messrs. Jung were not affected by the pogrom."
And this original which I hold in my hand, I will now pass to the translator for reading. I call the attention of Your Honors to the fact that it has the letterhead of "Der Gebietskommissar in Rovno," and it is dated the 13th of July 1942, and it is signed by this area commissioner. I now read this document:

"The area commissioner " — which means Gebietskommissar — "Rovno. Secret. "— Addressed — "Messrs. Jung, Rovno.

"The Jewish workers employed by your firm are not affected by the pogro" — in parenthesis "Aktion." As I understand, that means "action."

"You must transfer them to their new place of work by Wednesday, 15 July 1942, at the latest."
Signed by the Area Commissioner Beck. And then the stamp — the official stamp of the area commissioner at Rovno.

Now, just the following paragraph on the original, Page 5 or 6, 1 believe it is; one more paragraph I would like to read after the reference "Original attached":
"On the evening of this day I drove to Rovno and posted myself with Fritz Einsporn in front of the house in the Bahnhofstrasse in which the Jewish workers of my firm slept. Shortly after 2200 the ghetto was encircled by a large SS detachment and about three times as many members of the Ukrainian militia. Then the electric arclights which had been erected in and around the ghetto were switched on. SS and militia squads of four to six men entered or at least tried to enter the house. Where the doors and windows were closed and the inhabitants did not open at the knocking, the SS men and militia broke the windows, forced the doors with beams and crowbars and entered the houses. The people living there were driven on to the street just as they were, regardless of whether they were dressed or in bed. Since the Jews in most cases refused to leave their houses and resisted, the SS and militia applied force. They finally succeeded, with strokes of the whip, kicks, and blows with rifle butts, in clearing the houses. The people were driven out of their houses in such haste that small children in bed had been left behind in several instances. In the streets women cried out for their children and children for their parents. That did not prevent the SS from driving the people along the road at running pace, and hitting them, until they reached a waiting freight train. Car after car was filled, and the screaming of women and children and the cracking of whips and rifle shots resounded unceasingly. Since several

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     International Military Tribunal
"Blue Series," Vol. 4, p. 255

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