Rich Green's Homepage
Welcome to my homepage! This page is my personal page. If you are looking for general information on the Holocaust, I suggest that you start at THHP's main page.
My views are my views only and do not necessarily represent those of THHP or my colleagues at THHP.
- Photos
- Publications
- Book Reviews
- THHP essays.
- Chemistry is not the Science.
An article I wrote with Jamie McCarthy debunking
Holocaust-denial. The title comes from a quote by denier Germar Rudolf.
- The Chemistry of Auschwitz. A survey of the use of poison gas at Auschwitz and the attempts to deny such use by Holocaust deniers.
- Leuchter, Rudolf and the Iron Blues. The chemistry of Prussian Blue formation, a critical issue in understanding the problems with the Leuchter and Rudolf Reports.
- A Foreword to the IFFR Report. Gives some context a forensic study showing the presence of cyanide residues in all of the surviving structures at Auschwitz that were known to be used for homicidal gassing.
- The Bolshevik Canard. Were the Jews behind Stalinist atrocities?
- See also my expert report submitted to the court in support of Deborah Lipstadt, in David Irving's appeal against the verict in his lawsuit against her.
- Other Essays on the Holocaust or its Denial
- Parodies of Holocaust Deniers
- Other Essays
- How Many Witches? An essay on the number
killed during the witchcraze in early modern Europe.
- Other People's Essays