Administration and Staff Living Area
- Entrance to the camp near Seidel Street
- Guard's room near the entrance
- SS living quarters
- Arms storerooms
- Gasoline pump and storerooms
- Garage
- Entrance to the Station square
- Camp command for Stangl's living quarters
- Services for the SS - barber, sick bay, dentist
- Living quarters for the domestic staff (Polish and Ukranian girls)
- Bakery
- Foodstore and supply storeroom
- The barrack in which the "gold Jews" worked
- Ukranian living quarters - "Max Bialas barracks"
- Zoo
- Stables, chicken coop, pig pen
- Living quarters for capos, women, tailor shop, shoe repairs, carpentry shop and sickroom
- Prisoners kitchen
- Living quarters for men prisoners, prisoner's laundry and tool room
- Locksmith and smithy
- Latrine
- Roll-call square
Reception Area
- Station platform (ramp) and square
- Storeroom for belongings taken from victims - disguised as station
- Deportation square
- Barrack in which the women undressed and relinquished their valuables
- Room in which the womens hair was cut
- Barrack in which the men undressed, also used as storeroom
- Reception square
- "Lazarett" - execution site
- "The Tube" - the approach to the gas chambers
Extermination Area
- New gas chambers (10 chambers)
- Old gas chambers (3 chambers)
- Burial pits
- "The Roasts" for burning bodies
- Prisoners living quarters, kitchen and latrines