Map of Treblinka

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Administration and Staff Living Area
  1. Entrance to the camp near Seidel Street
  2. Guard's room near the entrance
  3. SS living quarters
  4. Arms storerooms
  5. Gasoline pump and storerooms
  6. Garage
  7. Entrance to the Station square
  8. Camp command for Stangl's living quarters
  9. Services for the SS - barber, sick bay, dentist
  10. Living quarters for the domestic staff (Polish and Ukranian girls)
  11. Bakery
  12. Foodstore and supply storeroom
  13. The barrack in which the "gold Jews" worked
  14. Ukranian living quarters - "Max Bialas barracks"
  15. Zoo
  16. Stables, chicken coop, pig pen
  17. Living quarters for capos, women, tailor shop, shoe repairs, carpentry shop and sickroom
  18. Prisoners kitchen
  19. Living quarters for men prisoners, prisoner's laundry and tool room
  20. Locksmith and smithy
  21. Latrine
  22. Roll-call square
Reception Area
  1. Station platform (ramp) and square
  2. Storeroom for belongings taken from victims - disguised as station
  3. Deportation square
  4. Barrack in which the women undressed and relinquished their valuables
  5. Room in which the womens hair was cut
  6. Barrack in which the men undressed, also used as storeroom
  7. Reception square
  8. "Lazarett" - execution site
  9. "The Tube" - the approach to the gas chambers

Extermination Area

  1. New gas chambers (10 chambers)
  2. Old gas chambers (3 chambers)
  3. Burial pits
  4. "The Roasts" for burning bodies
  5. Prisoners living quarters, kitchen and latrines


Arad, Yitzhak; The Pictorial History of the Holocaust, p. 298