Accessed 30 April 1999

List of massacred civilians committed by serbian terrorist forces in the village Poklek i Vjetėr on April 17th 1999

Gllogoc, April 28th (Kosovapress) The whole opinion was informed that in
April 17th 1999, serbian terrorist police in the village Poklek i Vjetėr
commune of Gllogoc, has massacred and killed then has burnt the
cadavers of 53 unarmed civil albanians starting from six month babies and
up to 75 years old people. According to numerous witnesses of this
massacres, the Poklek massacre has happened like this: -On April 17th
about five o`clock in the morning, families of Muqolli, Caraku and Elshani,
started to go from Poklek i Vjetėr to Gllogoc, in the place were albanian
civil population of the villages around Gllogoc was gathered and they were
kept under serbian control. Somewhere about 1,5 Km away from the village
a serbian picgauer full of polices and has ordered them to go back in their
houses. They were forced to turn back because they threaten and it was
shooted in their direction. After the families came back in their houses
immediately two serbian police came wearing some black ribbons in their
heads.First they killed the dog in the yard then they called for Sinan to go
out and they spoke with him in serbian language. After this, the two
serbian police mans went in the yard of the village school and met with
other police mans placed there. Meanwhile, Sinan turned back inside and
told to their members of his family that the policeman had asked him "if
there was any terrorist inside"? In these conditions of terror and anxiety,
the families were kept during all day till 17.30 o`clock, then one of those
serbian polices came in a room inside Sinan`s house where all families were
gathered including children, women, and old age people. Then the serbian
policeman has threw a bomb which fortunately didn`t explode but he
threw another bomb and this time unfortunately the bomb exploded in the
lap of Miradije Rifat Muqollit (55). Immediately the serbian terrorist
policeman has fired with automatic gun more then seven cartridges killing
all the albanian people who were inside. Serbian terrorist criminals before
leaving the houses has checked all dead bodies to secure his self that no
body was remained alive. Meanwhile, Elhemja who was wounded has
jumped from the window and she reached to escape. After the two and
half hours of this massacre, Lumnija together with four years small girl has
escaped too leaving wounded Eminen and the two years old Fatos. Later
on the jacket of Emine has been found in the pit of the house. After three
hours, after the massacre was executed, serbian terrorist police came
back in the house and burnt all the dead bodies of the massacred people.
In the second day after the massacre, we went in the house and saw the
bones of the massacred people and when we went a day later we could
not see even their bones. Because now, the whole house was buried. As
we mentioned in the beginning, there some alive witnesses of this
massacre but we are not going to publish their names because of security

The completed list of the massacred people in Poklek i Vjetėr on April
17th 1999:

1. Sinan Rexhep Muqolli (52), Poklek i Vjetėr
2. Elheme Rifat Muqolli (50), Poklek i Vjetėr
3. Emine Sinan Muqolli (22), Poklek i Vjetėr
4. Elife Sinan Muqolli (18), Poklek i Vjetėr
5. Sherife Sinan Muqolli (17), Poklek i Vjetėr
6. Hafije Sinan Muqolli (10), Poklek i Vjetėr
7. Feride Selman Muqolli (33), Poklek i Vjetėr
8. Shehide Fadil Muqolli (13), Poklek i Vjetėr
9. Naser Fadil Muqolli (12), Poklek i Vjetėr
10. Ylber Fadil Muqolli (10), Poklek i Vjetėr
11. Egzon Fadil Muqolli (4), Poklek i Vjetėr
12. Hyle Selman Muqolli (22), Poklek i Vjetėr
13. Florentina Qamil Muqolli (3), Poklek i Vjetėr
14. Lirie Qamil Muqolli (six months old), Poklek i Vjetėr
15. Mehreme Muqolli (58), Poklek i Vjetėr
16. Bahrije Halil Muqolli (24), Poklek i Vjetėr
17. Naime Halil Muqolli (22), Poklek i Vjetėr
18. Hidajete Nebih Muqolli (33), Poklek i Vjetėr
19. Menduhie Liman Muqolli (11), Poklek i Vjetėr
20. Mirsad Liman Muqolli (8), Poklek i Vjetėr
21. Mergim Liman Muqolli (5), Poklek i Vjetėr
22. Bahtije Halil Caraku (34), from Dobrosheci
23. Besart Ejup Caraku (13), from Dobrosheci
24. Hasan Ejup Caraku (12), from Dobrosheci
25. Sister-in-law of Bahtije Halil Carakut- her name is unknown (45),
26. Miradije Rifat Muqolli (55), Poklek i Vjetėr
27. Zarife Rrahman Muqolli (23), Poklek i Vjetėr
28. Arife Rrahman Muqolli (20), Poklek i Vjetėr
29. Florije Salih Muqolli (23), Poklek i Vjetėr
30. Eronita Xhavit Muqolli (4), Poklek i Vjetėr
31. Fatos Xhavit Muqolli (1,5), Poklek i Vjetėr
32. Shemsije Muqolli (42), Poklek i Vjetėr
33. Vezire Ilmi Muqolli (20), Poklek i Vjetėr
34. Fatmire Ilmi Muqolli (17), Poklek i Vjetėr
35. Rexhep Ilmi Muqolli (12), Poklek i Vjetėr
36. Agron Ilmi Muqolli (10), Poklek i Vjetėr
37. Albulena Ilmi Muqolli (5), Poklek i Vjetėr
38. Nexhmije Ramadan Muqolli (25), Poklek i Vjetėr
39. Hasime Ramadan Muqolli (37), Poklek i Vjetėr
40. Avdullah Fehmi Muqolli (12), Poklek i Vjetėr
41. Shehrije Xhemail Muqolli (27), Poklek i Vjetėr
42. Vahide Mehdi Muqolli (4), Poklek i Vjetėr
43. Two sons of Mehdiu, one was 10 months old and the other two years
old, Poklek i Vjetėr
44. <Name Unknown>
45. Ymer Elshani (55), Poklek i Vjetėr
46. Nafije Elshani (50), Poklek i Vjetėr
47. Shukrije Elshani (37), and four sons of Ymer Elshani, from 22 years old
and less
48. <Name Unknown>
49. <Name Unknown>
50. <Name Unknown>
51. <Name Unknown>
52. Kimete Fadil Muqolli (20), Poklek i Vjetėr
53. Lindita Skender Hoxha (25), from Korrotica e Epėrme

Three persons are considered as disappeared:
1. Halim Kluna (75),
2. Nėna e Ymer Elshanit (75),
3. Sala Muqolli (57),

There suspections that these persons were afraid to go out because of
serbian sharp-shooters, so they have stayed inside in houses. Whereas in
this massacre were wounded the witnesses of this massacre and other

Document compiled by Dr S D Stein
Last update 30/04/99
©S D Stein
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